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Note. Unlike a new destiny and m complete this story. This will summarising all the chapters into one.

The necklace. The strange ability communicate with eagles. The journal. Tougo visits over years. The will. Outbreak.

Boy named Kino.. illigimate son of Karlheinz. Born from strand of his hair and grew up without parents or siblings. Only had girls nd ghouls to keep him company. Wanted revenge.

Yuki forgave him.

Her father used to work for the Adlers. The mysterious eagle clan went tinto hiding around time first bloods locked away centuries ago. Haven't been heard form since. Father was a slave and Adlers bought him a nd took under their wing. Raised to serve them. Taught him how to fight.

He wanted to move to human world and met mother. Daughter for a noble family. Of course her parents were opposed to relationship and tried break them up. Against the odds. Worked hard and built a small business flourished. Started a lofe together and had older sister. It was until she was born complications. She nearly died during birth. Fathe that asked the antlers for help. Gave heart of strongest kin. Gratitude.

Drew attention from Karlheinz wanted to support father's work.
Plan to make Yuki a sacrificial bride and move in with You. Start wish been the case. Would've been able to protect her. Parents against it.

Yui's catching the virus and passed away from heart surgery was unexpected outcome. Left as second eve. To choose an Adam with blood but not easy. Sakamakis and Tsukinami ruled out. Left Mukami tribe.

Somewhere along Apocolypse and after. Somehow eldest fell in love with me but didn't know express it. I somehow fell in love with him but wouldn't want former noble girl like me. Nothing to my name.

Antlers invited her to live with them. Almost did but it nearly tore her apart. Loved Ruki and couldn't imagine a life without him. Ran back and engage. Her Adam. Surrounded by new family and two families. Wished Kyoto was still alivw here to be bridesmaid or maid of honor but imagine if she was she would've been on side with smile on face and cheeky grin on her face. Yui look beautiful in fairy floss pink dress with hair in potential and flower crown.

Surprisingly Kino decided make an appearance to give wishes and sit in aisle with ghoul served now became hos girlfriend. Karlheinz got outcome desired to pass torch onto us and passed on.

Look into steel grey blue eyes. I saw bottomless love. In distance heard the bells of seen a tree ringing. Rose petals fell.

Bitten and turned into a vampire.

My Ruki. My one true love.

Our love eternity. Together.

The end. Final chapter



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