Ch. 5: The Meeting

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A/N: After much inner debate I've made the decision to wrap up Diabolik Lovers New Blood. I'm sorry if story itself has been rushed and cringe-worthy. I'm going to do my absolute best to sum this story up with final two chapters.. This will be one of last ones. The next chapter will Thank you for your understanding and hope it's okay.

Got into limousine with them and as drove off. Took one last look over her shoulder, old mansion look dark and empty. Soon she fell asleep. Hand on shoulder shaking her awake. Moment relaise where she was.

beautiful mansion with curve driveway in a U-shape, a garden and white brick with blue roof tile. iT looked like something out of a fairytale.

Staircase. Showed her to a guest room. It used to belong to Yui but dont think she's mind someone else using it.

Her belongings had been packed with clothing, essentials and personal possessions.

Meet at the Tsukimanis residence enormous than the other two combined. Statues of a wolf, a viper, a bat and an eagle. eagle belonged to a vampire family. it is said they are also distant related to the first bloods. power to control time and space, replica of the former water fountain at Hayashi residence and medallion in possession. Raised question of her father's background.

compare notes and person still after her. Karlheinz made an appearance. doesn't recall having any secret children. Sakamakis are biological kin. Christa, his cousin moved out the tower and living on her own.

Yuki will continue to stay with the Mukamis. Keep up her studies. she spoke up and wanted to learn more about their vampire culture. First Bloods educate her thoroughly until she knew history back to front. Carla seemed to developed respect and treated her like a little sister he never had. Shin went with it. Hate admit it but it was nice to have a younger sister figure he could pick on.

curious about how she met subaru.

She signed up to be a tutor for extra credit and out of students, challenge with Subaru but managed to respect his personal space and privacy. He thought she was beautiful and kind. Patient with him and never pushed further than she had to. Almost like Yui but two very different people. she knew how to put her foot down and say no. takes a lot of guts. liked that about her. both were the youngest.

She looked away towards row of trees on edge of the property. Put her arms around herself as if ward off the cold. heavy put over her shoulders. Ruki's jacket.

reading in the parlor room. made her sit on his lap. Embarassed.

Despite herself, slowly falling in love with him.

Brothers noticed the way the two interact with each other and bite marks. Kissing scene in the small study and in school.

As expected they'd called it Kino was trying to get close to her because it would cause a reaction out of Karlheinz he was messing with precious project and because she was the second eve.

Unfortunately after struggling to get away from Kino in a corridor, Ruki had seen them nd got the wrong idea. She tried to resolve matter, only to get into a fight with him and weren't talking. Staying away from each other sent them both into a depressive state and she considered running away.

After Kino kidnapping attempts, Ruki intervened and punched the guy in the face, the kidnapper reeled back into a wall, causing cracks. Yuki had run into his arms and kissed him.

It was discovered father used to serve Antlers, Eagle clan. Father raised by the vampires and wanted to visit human world. Let her mother.
Parents had done everything to keep them apart.

End of Chapter 5: The Meeting.

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