Ch. 2 & 3 Guests and Bloodshed

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A/N: Before we begin. I would like to apologise to everyone if the story has been rushed and not very good. I originally planned to make story almost as long as the original sequel however considering DL isn't as popular as it used to be. I've decided to cut story shorter. Never the less, I hope you all like the chapters and continue support Diabolik Lovers New Blood. Please be warned it is extremely cringy.

Word count: 2,833

Chapter 3 Unexpected Guests

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Ever since old maid discovered she had been depressed and almost committed suicide. She had been watching Yuki like a hawk wherever she went in the residence. Couldn't get a moment of peace and quiet.

She needed some personal space to breathe or she would scream so loud, it'll be sure make vampires ears bleed.

Guardian decided to have an early night as she had a shift in town tomorrow morning and couldn't afford to be late.

Yuki pretended she was tired and excused herself for the night. Older woman gave good night hug and let young Hayashi be.

Yuki waited until after guardian had gone to bed before slipped out of covers and threw on a jacket and ankle leather boots.

Yuki sneaks out the house through her window on a rope of blankets and descended down to the dark green lawn below. Squeak of bat in distance.

Something was out there waiting on the branch, watching her with golden eyes like a hawk. Whatever it was.. strangely felt a pull to go to it. Resisting against it only sent a wave of pain through her body.

Yuki took a deep breath to clear her head, calmly outstretching her left forearm to the bird of prey.

With a flap of wings it swooped down clawed feet outstretched landed on her arm. A caw.


Strange voice echoed in her mind.

On one of it's legs was a scroll of parchment and a silver eagle pendant on choker.

For some reason unknown, a sense of deja vu swept over her.

Where have I seen this coat of arms before?

Her eyes calmly look into the eagle's eyes. It was the strangest thing, as if my mind opened like a book.

She stroked the eagle gently under the beak. Show no fear. It didn't peck at her in the eyes or hand. It made a purring sound like a cat enjoying the touch. It felt weird as if this was natural.

Then Yuki pried the scroll free from it's leg. It didnt seem to mind the slightest.

Remembering a trick she's learnt, Yuki lifted her forearm more higher outwards and with one powerful flap the eagle flew away towards the moon, leaving the scroll and pendant behind.

She touched the pendant choker, slipping it around her neck clipping it together at the back.
It felt cool against her throat.

But when she tried to remember why , the memory it kept darting even further out of reach.

Something wasn't being kept out, something was being kept within the premises of the mansion. Hidden. Whatever it was her father didn't want anyone else to know. Until now.

Scroll and pendant were her only clue to finding it.

Even with layers of pyjamas bottoms, boots, jacket and pink top. It was becoming cold to be outside. After day she had she was exhausted. Decided to call it a night. Climbed up the rope ladder back into bedroom and locked window.

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