Chapter 2
The morning after was always the worst part.
I had tried to pry my eyes open, I had kept them closed for quite some time now, but it was extremely hard considering my head was being attacked by the alcohol the night before.
Why did I do this to myself? Why did everyone do this to theirselves? Is it really worth it?
Suddenly, the door opened, I lived alone, I preferred to live alone and have the privacy I wanted. I declined any invitation to share a room with anyone.
I thought that maybe it was Katie or Mali coming to check up on me, so I didn't bother jolting up in alarm. I left my door unlocked yesterday, I suppose they already knew that.
"Don't you dare wake me up," I croaked out. My throat was extremely dry. Yet, there was no answer. "Don't joke me around, this hangover's a bitch," still there was no reply.
Suddenly feeling angry and annoyed, I sighed. I cracked my eyes open, and what I saw was the most attractive pair of brown eyes I had ever seen, yet they were ablaze. They were like fire, so angry, so dark.
I jumped up out of bed, I knew this wasn't Katie or Mali.
"Who the fuck are you?" I asked while I backed up towards the window.
He had midnight black hair, his strands tousled and thick. I had never seen him before, and all of us living here knew eachother well.
"I could ask the same to you," his deep voice let out, it held anger, yet suspicion aswell.
"Why are you in my room? Get out!" I shouted while I pointed to the door.
"You're in my room," he replied dryly. I took a look around in what must have been shock.
This wasn't my room, my heart sank, yet started beating wildly. I must have fallen asleep in here thinking it was my room. I was such a fool. My cheeks heated in embarrassment.
"Shit," I whispered under my breath.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" His body was stiff. But why was he so angry?
"I-I" I stuttered. I didn't know what to say.
"Just go," he muttered menacingly. He was so rude. He was mysteriously handsome and rude.
Luckily I had my dress on from the night before, so all I had to do was leave. But I didn't want to leave without seeing this boy have manners.
"Ever heard of the word please?" I asked. He couldn't just boss me about, whether I was in his room or not.
"No," he replied flatly. "Leave,"
"I will in two, my heads banging." I laid a hand to my head. "Just two minutes to get my head in check." I pleaded.
"I'm giving you one last warning, leave my room, now," he growled. His body was tense, he was angry. His eyes showed hatred and they were staring at me.
"And I'm giving you one last warning to say please." I replied back. It was easy really. "But really, my head is-"
"For fuck sake." he breathed. "Please," he emphasised. I smiled in triumph. "Just go."
"Thank you." I smiled. "Can I have a drink of water before I go?" I asked. The dark haired boy looked to me with the deadliest glare I could have possibly received. "No?" I tried again. He pointed to the door, his muscles buldging. I sighed but I moved to the door anyway. He wasn't the nicest person I had ever met. "Thank you for being a wonderful host." I said sarcastically.
I opened the door and left.
"Bitch." I heard him mutter under his breath as I closed the door. I was insulted by the compliment and a little angry. I continued on, deciding to visit Mali and Katie.
I disliked that boy with a passion already. Whoever he was I was sure to give him a punch if he ever spoke to me like that again. A bitch? I wasn't a bitch. I was far from a bitch.
My knuckle wrapped on the wooden door. Soon, Katie opened the door looking like she had just been pulled through a hedge, I suppose I looked even worse.
"Don't speak," she croaked. I looked to her flatly.
"I just woke up in this boy's bed," I let out. Katie brought me into her room, Mali was still asleep.
"Don't listen to me," she said. "Speak away," she was attentive and listening. It didn't matter what condition Katie was in, if there was gossip she was all ears.
"I just woke up and he was there, I thought it was my room, yet it turned out it wasn't, it was his, he was so angry with me." I said. It was a little funny come to think of it. Katie looked at me.
"Who is he?" She asked. I shook my head, I didn't know, he didn't even mention his name.
"I don't know, I've never seen him before," I replied truthfully. Her eyes widened.
"It's Xavier, the new boy!" She whisper hissed, trying not to wake up Mali. I took a look at her, clueless. Xavier? How did she even knew who I was talking about?
"It's rumoured all around the school, it may seem a little cliche, but he is meant to be so unbelievably sexy." he was, I knew that. I saw him, I woke up looking into his eyes.
"Oh God." I groaned.
"He's also meant to have an anger problem, apparently he had been sent here because he was a bit of a delinquent, getting into fights, so on so forth." she said.
"Wow," I breathed. He did seem very hot tempered and angry, even though I did wake up in his bed. Well, what was he doing out of it all night? Or was he in it with me? Oh god, did I share a bed with him all night?
Times like this, I wish I never drank. I couldn't remember a thing and I really wish I could.
But no, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be sharing a bed with me. He couldn't even share a bit of water when I asked him for some. Infact, I'm sure he would have rathered cutting my fingers off and eating them than sharing anything with me, or anyone else.
"Yeah, also rumoured to have had a bad past." She said. "Loner and a bully, apparently." She looked down at her nails as if it were no big deal but the excitement in her eyes when she talked about any kind of gossip she found out was evident.
I don't even know how Katie ever found out about things like this. Xavier looked very reserved to me.
"How do you know all of this?" I asked. It was baffling. She smiled and shrugged.
"I'm on the social comity, of course I've heard all of the rumours." She replied mishcheviously. Of course, the social comitty. It was meant for people to socialise and find a way of making new friends etc, but we all know everyone just went to gossip.
Most of the gossipers attended it. Especially Katie.
"Don't listen to rumours." Mali suddenly lifted her head up from the pillow she was laying on. I didn't even know she had woken up. We looked to her.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because they're not necessarily true, Emily." She rolled her eyes before laying back down.
Mali was sensible, she was extremely clever, Katie and I respected her for that especially as she helped us a lot with home work. But she was always the voice of reason. Realistic.
"I heard that boy never uses his manners." Katie replied. "He doesn't seem like he would either." she continued.
"Don't judge a book by his cover." I stated, even though she was right. But who cared what he did?
He obviously didn't like me.
Chapter #2:D please vote guys I love you x

Romance"Close your eyes." he croaked, I did as I was told without any disobedience. "Have you any idea how badly I want to kiss you right now?" I shook my head in reply. "Badly, so fucking badly." he whispered as his harsh breath fanned across my cheek. D...