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Chapter 3

"Will you girls just shut up and leave me in peace?" Mali groaned from the bed. "I'm having a hard time trying to keep this headache at bay and you're not helping." She laid her hands on her face and sighed. Ditto.

My head felt like it was getting hit with a hammer. I don't know why I drank as much alcohol as I did, but I hated having a hangover.

"For God's sake, Mali, you lightweight." Katie replied. "I look like shit and I feel like shit but you've just got to get on with it. A hangover isn't the end of the world. Get out of bed." Katie grabbed onto Mali's arm and pulled. Mali groaned and tried to slap her hand away.

"Well do you want to go and get a coffee?" I asked as I sat there wondering whether I should feel sorry for her.

Mali was the worst for hangovers, or so she puts across. She was the first to get drunk, and the one who suffered the most in the morning. If I was her I wouldn't drink again but I guess with Katie and I as her bestfriends I guess she didn't really have a choice. 

"No, why would I want to get up?" Mali whined. Katie rolled her eyes.  "Honestly, girls, I'm dying. This isn't a false alarm."

"Just get up, Mali." She let out exasperated. Katie never really had the patience to watch someone mope around feeling sorry for themselves. She hated negative attitude more than anything. It was funny really considering Mali was really pessimistic.

"Leave her be." I said to Katie as I got up. "You and I will go for a coffee, we'll leave Mali to sleep and maybe she'll feel better later." I reasoned. Katie looked to me, sighed in defeat and nodded her head. Mali looked to me gratefully before laying her head back down on the pillow and closing her eyes.

"You best be feeling better when I come back." She pointed to Mali. Mali gave her the middle finger before turning around with her back towards us. I pulled Katie out of the room.

"She is an annoying little bitch." She said but her eyes were a light with humour.  Katie didn't mean anything she said. Bitch was her favourite word, I realised that after the first and second time she called me it.

We all had such a funny friendship.

"But you love her." I stated.

"I couldn't live with out you or her." She replied honestly.

But that's why I loved our friendship, we could mess about and insult eachother all we wanted, but we all knew where we stood and we all knew we couldn't live without eachother.

"Saved yourself." I winked in her direction before she fell in stride and we both made our way outside.

There was no wind yet the air felt cold. We made our way to the coffee shop just opposite of the building.

The coffee shop was quite big. It wasn't massive and the queues were always big. It was quite popular around campus.

"Go and get a table, I'll order the usual." I stated as Katie nodded and walked off. The line wasn't big today, thankfully. Infact, the place was quiet. It was usually busier than this.

As soon as I got to the counter, my eyebrows shot to my hairline. It was him, Xavier. He wore a stone faced neutral expression, I couldn't determine what he was thinking. He didn't look like he wanted to be here, it looked like he hated it. Maybe that was his permanent expression. Maybe he was happy? I tried to see it, but couldn't.

"It's you." I said stupidly. Xavier lifted his eyebrow but his facial expression didn't change. Man, he was good. I didn't expect him to crack me a smile and kiss me on the cheek but he was working. Wasn't he meant to be a little more friendly and warm?

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