Chapter 7.
Xavier really was quite reserved but I could see him start to come out of his shell. He was starting to warm up to me...I think. I didn't want to speak so soon.
I made my way around the table until I was standing infront of him, he sat up straighter as if he felt uncomfortable. My heart sunk a little, but I ignored it. Maybe he wasn't warming up to me after all?
"Do you want to go some where?" I asked anyway as I bounced on my toes a little. I really wanted to go somewhere with Xavier and show him a little bit more to life than staying in doors and brooding about life.
"Not really." He blatantly replied. I furrowed my eyebrows and pouted.
"Why not?"
"Because I don't want to." He looked to me as if I were stupid. I knew he wouldn't have wanted to go outside with me so I don't know why I bothered asking. Yet, I really did want to go out. Therefore,
I looked to the floor in fake sadness.Maybe he was a sucker for a girl who seemed extremely upset?
Xavier sighed loudly, audibly and let out a curse. "Okay, okay." He lifted his two arms up in defence. "Where do you want to go?" He seemed very unpleased at the thought and I couldn't hell but hear the irritation in his voice.
"Serious?" I jumped up excitedly again. I hadn't thought he would have caved so soon.
"Don't make me change my mind." He grumbled. He was the grumpiest person I knew to date.
"Come on then, let's go." I grabbed his giant, calloused hand without a second thought and began to yank his giant body out of the chair.
"I need a top." He pulled his hand out of my grasp and pulled out a long sleeved top from his cupboard across the room.
"You could always go without one." I stated innocently as I looked to him. He gave me the deathliest glare. "Kidding." I replied sheepishly before he killed me, even though, the thought of Xavier with no top pleased me. I had already made sure I took in his body as much as I could whilst it was on show.
He slid the shirt down his body and it covered up his large tattoo. It was quite an to intriguing picture. A sword across his chest, but every little detail was perfect. It was honestly quite sexy to look at, especially as if blended inbetween each of his little chest hairs.
I shook my head to snap me out of my reverie.
Stop drooling over him and get a move on.
"Come on." I grabbed his hand again as soon as he was finished. I was so used to grabbing Mali and Katie's hands during a night out and pulling them along I hadn't quite seemed to nip that habit in the head.
"Why have you got my hand?" Xavier asked as soon as I took him down the corridor. He obviously wasn't too pleased.
"Habits die hard." I noted. Xavier's bushy dark brow arched in response.
"You grab a lot of boys hands then do you?" He said venomously.
"No no." I shook my head violently. "I'm no Virgin Mary but I haven't had a boyfriend for a year and a half or anything close to it."
"Why?" Xavier questioned. I was shocked that he was in fact the one questioning me for a change. I shrugged when I came to my senses.

Romance"Close your eyes." he croaked, I did as I was told without any disobedience. "Have you any idea how badly I want to kiss you right now?" I shook my head in reply. "Badly, so fucking badly." he whispered as his harsh breath fanned across my cheek. D...