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Chapter 24.

My eyes snapped up to Xavier's, my face moving away from his shoulder.

My heart began to beat wildly. Excitement was strumming through my veins.

"What?" I let out just about. My voice felt foreign even to me, the emotion straining through almost.

Xavier looked like a dear stuck in the head lights. His eyes were wide and his mouth was open just a little bit, as if he was ready to say something, to return what he had just said.

I didn't fall for a quitter.

I couldn't help but replay the sentence in my head a few times. Was he honestly telling the truth? Had he really fallen for me like he had said, and the way I had him?

"Xavier..." I trailed off, not sure what to say as Xavier stared my way. I hoped I had gotten even a little bit of his attention. I hoped he would just say something. Anything.

"Em, I-" I knew what he was going to say, he was going to come up with multiple excuses to tell me how what he said wasn't true. But I knew it was. Xavier didn't say anything out of the blue unless he meant it deep inside. I knew Xavier well enough to know he wanted to save himself, afraid of rejection.

I laid a finger over his lips, stopping him from saying anything else.

"Don't, please. Don't say anything." Now I didn't want him to say anything. I was scared of rejection too, but also the silence. "You're going to somehow reject what you had just said, and I don't want that."

"Why?" Xavier replied, his eyes trained on me. I let out a deep breath. I just really wanted Xavier and I to work. I didn't want to scare him off, but I had to be brave. Communication was a saint.

"Because I couldn't bare thinking that this relationship..." I waved my hands all over the place to indicate whatever this was between us. "Was only one sided." Xavier sat still for a moment. Not sure on what to say. I could give him a list of things I wanted him to say now.

"It's not one sided, I can assure you. I didn't mean for this to come out this way. I feel something for you, something strong and I can't deny it any longer. There's something good between us." I nodded my head in reply, my heart beating wildly. "And maybe I am just a little weak for you. I've wanted you like nobody else." It was a relief to hear him say it.

"Let's not waste this."

"I couldn't waste something like this. You're special." Xavier's hand came up to enclose slightly around the back of my neck. He pulled my forward until I was only a few centimetres away from his lips.

"Kiss me." I demanded. I wanted him, I needed to feel him. I wanted us to connect.

"Go out for dinner with me." Xavier demanded back. Xavier was still looking down at my lips, as if waiting for me to answer, waiting for me to kiss him too.

"Where?" I asked, almost gasping in anticipation. I looked down at his soft lips, just waiting.

"Anywhere you'd like."

"You choose and I'll go." I replied back. We were so close, so close.

"Deal, Angel." And before I could say anything in reply, Xavier smashed his lips to mine.

This time, Xavier was soft and gentle. But after a few minutes, it was getting more passionate and rough. His mouth was working magic.

Xavier pulled away and I'm sure it was because he didn't want this going any further at the moment.

Xavier [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now