Chapter 4
The night was nearing again and Katie, Mali and I made our way in to the lounge area. It was a peaceful place most of the time. People came here a lot. There were computers and a ton of stuff to play on and the girls and I came here a lot, it was better than staying in and it was good when we didn't feel like going out.
I hadn't seen Xavier since this morning and I was quite grateful. I was nervous of running into him again. I was scared I would say the wrong thing or ask a question and he would hate me more than he already did. I didn't have a brain to mouth filter, so I didn't know what to expect.
Katie sighed in relaxation as she sat down on one of the many vacant couches. Mali sat down next to her and I sat in the little gap left for me.
"Now you're squashing me." Mali said as she tried to free herself from being stuck in the middle. Katie snickered.
"Sit still." She demanded. Mali rolled her eyes, but nonetheless, she did as she was told.
The TV was blaring from the centre of the room, but I didn't pay much attention to it. It gave out bright colours across the room and the second sofa in front of the tele was occupied by another group of girls.
I couldn't help but think something was troubling me, but I couldn't put a finger on what it was.
I looked across the room to the pool table which stood there on the right hand side. A group of boys were surrounding it as they cheered and yelled at their friends. To the left hand side was a row of computers which many teenagers occupied on a daily basis, including me, I wasn't going to lie. What teenage human didn't like the Internet?
It wasn't home but it was home to me.
"I can't be bothered to go to lessons tomorrow." Katie stated as she leaned further into the couch. She had a look of dispair on her face and I mentally scolded her for being so dramatic, but I laughed anyway.
"Suck it up, you can't go truanting again." Mali shook her head as if she was reminiscing old times. I rememeber that day as if it was yesterday.
"And you're definitely not making me come with you again, either." I added in. Katie turned her head to me as she pursed her lips.
"If you must know, it was for a good cause."
"A coffee cause?"
"Hey!" She scolded as her eyebrows forrowed. "Don't go on like it's a bad thing. A girl needs her coffee to live."
"You're hyper enough without it." Mali replied as she rolled her eyes again and cocked her feet up on to the coffee table infront of her.
"Well, excuse me for being happy." She held up her hands and dropped them to her thighs with a smack. I laughed under my breath as Mali shook her head.
I glanced at the TV and decided to let my wandering thoughts land there. I was an over thinker, a worrier. I thought about everything to the point it hurt.
Was it hurting that Xavier hated me? I didn't even know Xavier, yet I knew what it was like to be hated so strongly. I didn't want that again, I didn't want to be thought of this way.
Suddenly, a bang and a shriek shook me out of my own world and brought me back down to the real world. What the hell was that?
I turned to face the girls and their faces were just as bewildered as mine.
"What's going on?" A lot of fuss was being made all around us, and suddenly, a younger teenage boy with bright blonde hair came barreling into the room.

Roman d'amour"Close your eyes." he croaked, I did as I was told without any disobedience. "Have you any idea how badly I want to kiss you right now?" I shook my head in reply. "Badly, so fucking badly." he whispered as his harsh breath fanned across my cheek. D...