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Chp. 9

Tsai quickly dropped the phone like it was scorching hot, backing up from the phone she held her chest feeling it tighten she couldn't breathe the walls were closing in on her. She felt the tears roll down her face and while backing up her butt hit the nightstand by her bed knocking over the lamp causing it to break since it was made of glass. She fell to her knees feeling like she was going to die or pass out any minute.

Dante ran in the room hearing glass break seeing Tsai on the floor he got on his knees in front of her.

" Baby what's wrong?" He panicked she could hear him but at the same time she couldn't all she could think of was he was back to get her.

" Call" she panted.

" Karen" she panted again.

" You sure don't want me to call an ambulance ?" He asked still worried but confused.

" CALL HER" Tsai screamed he quickly picked up her phone and called Karen.

" Oh my gawdd my baby fin-" Karen begins to talk but was cut off by Tsai

" He he he's called m m me Ka Ka Karen I I I can't b breathe" she whispered breathless crying more.

" Give Dante the phone boo quickly" Karen said calmly knowing what to do, Tsai handed the phone to him he took it still afraid seeing his girlfriend like this.

" Dante kiss her like now!" Karen told him sternly.

" What? No this isn't a time for that Karen what the fuck is wrong with you?" He looked at the phone like it was stupid.

" No no no no no no oh God I'm going to die" Tsai cried more her breathing getting even more rapid.

" KissHerRightNowYouIdiotShesHavingAPanicAttackDoYouWantHerToDieOffShock!!" Karen said loudly to him all in one breath. Hearing that put fire to his ass and he quickly smashed his lips into hers.

" Thanks for coming at such short notice Bianca" Karen said as she let Bianca in her house.

" It's okay you sounded like you were worried is everything okay?" Bianca asked.

" Work stuff I won't be long though probably an hour or two Princess is asleep right now she'll probably be hungry when she gets up there's food in the fridge, I'll be back okay?" Karen assured her with a fake smile. Bianca nodded not believing it for a second but it wasn't her business. Karen walked out the house, got in her car and hoped no one pulled her over while she speeds to Tsai's house.

" Why'd you kiss me?" Tsai asked Dante he could see that her chest was slowly starting to go back to it's normal up and down pattern.

" I don't know Karen said something about shock and panic and to kiss you" he shrugged at her. She nodded not looking at him.

" How- what happened to you?" He asked taking his hand into hers.

" Nothing I'm going to take a shower" Tsai took her hand from him and walked away to the bathroom. Dante got up from his knees watching the door wondering what was wrong with her until he heard the shower he decided to let it go until later.

Tsai POV

After my shower I went to check my phone to see if he called back looking through my call log it shows me that he called private figures I thought. Karen busts in the room runs over and hugs the life out of me.

" Pregnant woman your suffocating" I choke out and she lets me go.

" You okay baby? You was having a panic attack and I wasn't here so I told Dante to kiss oh god I would of killed you if you died on me and that bitch who the fuck he thinks he is calling you!" Karen hissed making me smile what would I do with out her.

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