The Lone North Korean

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Within the offensive being launched on the Bravo Sierra mercenaries, there was a Pak family member within the family that everybody hated. His name was Pak Yung-Jin. Despite being one of the most intelligent and hard-working members of the family, he was also a very delusional member, who thought he could defect to South Korea without getting noticed by his family.

Currently, his MiG-19 "Farmer" fighter jet was headed with his wingmen towards the Bravo Sierra mercenaries' base; travelling at its top speed of seven hundred miles per hour, the afterburners were glowing with flames, as the MiG streaked through the sky, leading a few squadrons of MiG-17 "Fresco" fighters in the form of a V, while a convoy of KPA main battle tanks and APCs were heading towards the Bravo Sierra mercenaries' base.

On the ground, F-4 "Phantom" fighters were mobilizing, followed by a few F-8 "Crusader" fighters, as well as a few A-38C "Turbo Lightning" fighter-bombers, while the Phantoms, Crusaders, and Turbo Lightning fighters were taking off, a few squadrons of U.S. Airforce A-10 "Thunderbolt II" attackers were circling the base.

Yung-Jin had an idea, which was if this offensive were to fail, he would run from his family and live in the South African Savanna in the wild.

As the Bravo Sierras were fully mobilized, a brown haze could be seen forming, thus the bombardment was in effect.

Yung-Jin's MiG was ready to kill, but Yung-Jin would never have killed anything, due to murder going against his own code of honor. He was always a people person, despite the world was always against him and his family's allies.

Upon checking his radar, to see a barrage of green dots were on his radar, as he checked his six, to see an F-4 "Phantom" on his six.

Upon performing a tight turn to the right with his ailerons the elevators, he noticed the Phantom corkscrewed to counter his turn, and keep up with him.

A sixth sense told him to check his six once more, to see an F-8 "Crusader" flying with the Phantom, both were desparate for the kill.

He rolled to the left, dodging a barrage of twenty millimeter bullets being fired by the Crusader, he then flew behind a hill, almost touching the ground, checking his six to see the Phantom and the Crusader collide into each other, forming a huge black cloud of smoke, formed by the fuel in the jets, as well as the warheads on the missiles.

His missile lock warning radar sounded, currently, there were small and gentle beeps, warning him that somebody is trying to lock onto him.

A sixth sense told him to check his six, to see he is currently out running an A-38C "Turbo Lightning." The beeps were speeding up, until becoming a continuous and rapid beeping noise, to which Young-Min deployed flares, and pulled a Split-S maneuver, and headed into the Turbo Lightning's eight, firing a burst of his three thirty millimeter cannons, only to miss, to which he killed the throttle, in an attempt to turn fight the Turbo Lightning.

Little to Yung-Jin's knowledge, prop fighters were easily able to out-turn the MiG-19. He felt his plane shake, as the Turbo lightning's twin twenty-millimeter cannons fired in unison, scoring hits on his ailerons and the flaps, ripping a flap off.

He then heard the missile lock alarm sound once again, checking his six to see a sidewinder hurdling towards him, only to feel a sudden violent shake in his plane, he opened the canopy of his MiG and ejected, cursing the Turbo Lightning's pilot at the top of his lungs in Korean. He was feeling not only a surge of anxiety but angry at the world. He didn't only hate his own family, but he hated his family's allies, as well as his country.

As Yung-Jin parachuted to the ground, a MiG-17 flew past him, followed by an F-4 "Phantom" seeing a sidewinder being launched from the phantom, and watching his family member being blown from the sky; he emotionlessly watched the MiG-17 plunge into the hill, starting a fire.

He could hear the sounds of the U.S. Air force's A-10s firing their avenger cannons, ripping his country's tanks to shreds, hearing the sounds of his wingmen's guns making attempts to shoot down the Bravo Sierra mercenaries' aircraft, failing miserably.

When he landed from parachuting, the Turbo Lightning that shot him down strafed the ground near him; in an attempt to put a twenty-millimeter bullet into his body, only to miss his shots.

Yung-Jin opened his backpack, only to see a Type 70 high power pistol, a sealed bag of rice, and roughly five dollars in Korean Won. He watched the bombardment go on overhead, watching the Bravo Sierra mercenaries effortlessly slay his family members, as they were lodging twenty-millimeter bullets into their heads and torsos.

He then looked above, to see an A-10 flying low above him, shredding a tank that was driving towards him in an effort to save him, watching the tank's machine gunner fail to shoot the A-10 down.

Yung-Jin watched the tank explode, not knowing whether he should feel remorse for the tank crew, as he walked away from the bombardment, towards a stream, to get a drink of fresh water.

As he traversed to the stream, he unzipped his G-suit, and took off his flight helmet, leaving the clothes on the ground, unveiling a pair of gray sweatpants, and a white t-shirt.

Upon arriving at the stream, he cupped his hands, taking a drink from the stream, feeling refreshed and hydrated again. He decided to go for a swim in the stream, in his clothes. When his body graced the water; the water gently flowed on his body, feeling refreshed and relaxed.

Suddenly, Yung-Jin could see a barrage of bullets hitting the ground, to which he climbed out of the stream, watching an A-10 strafe the area, he took cover behind a large rock, to make sure he doesn't get a thirty-millimeter bullet put into his body.

Yung-Jin could then hear a whistling noise, and ran once again, hearing a JDAM bomb coasting towards him. Yung-Jin pulled out his high power pistol, and shot himself in the abdomen, watching the bomb missed him; landing in the stream, causing a gigantic tidal wave, feeling the water splash on him, almost like rain.

He felt weak, as he crawled to the stream, and was bleeding. Internally. He grunted and coughed, and wheezed, tasting blood in his mouth; as he crawled a few more feet; and fell into a state of unconsciousness.

His vision was dark, yet he could still hear the sounds of the bombardment

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