Chapter 10: Confession

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Marinette's POV

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Marinette's POV

All during patrol, all I could worry about was what Chat told me. He had to talk to me, Marinette, and it was too important that he couldn't tell me, Ladybug. I didn't know what to think.

Was the news good? Bad? The only way I would find out was waiting for the patrol to end so I could talk with him as Marinette.

"What's up with you tonight, M'Lady?" He asked. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him.

"Nothing unusual." I told him as I tried to convince him with a smile. The truth was, I was anxious. Didn't he say something about a rumor?

I couldn't stand the tension anymore. I was getting way too worked up over all this. "Can we end patrol early?" I asked hopefully.

"What's the rush, Bugaboo?" He asked with a small smirk. "Had too much of me already?"

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but smile. I don't want to admit it, but he does charm me. I can't let him know, or I would never hear the end of it.

"It's not that." I said. He had it backwards. I was dying to talk to him. "I forgot I had plans for tonight."

"Could these plans happen to involve some cool cat?" He asked.
"Perhaps." I replied. "But you wanted to visit that Marinette girl, didn't you?"

"Right." He said, suddenly losing his flirtatious attitude. "I need to talk with her."

I laughed a little. Sometimes I couldn't understand Chat. Sometimes his mood swings were too much for me to handle.

"I better go." He told me. He perched on the edge of the Eiffel Tower, the place we overlook the city of Paris, and turned to look at me. "Better not keep my princess waiting."

Did he just... Call me his princess? But I thought I was his lady? His bugaboo? All these nicknames are too much for me. I need to get home before Chat gets to my window.

He jumped away and I sighed, knowing I wouldn't be able to beat him. Instead, I swung myself into an alley near my home and detransformed. I walked to my house, already seeing Chat at my window. I chuckled softly at the sight of him tapping and whispering my name.

"Look what the cat dragged in." I said, smiling up at him from the street below.

"Hey, Marinette." He said. He seemed to be nervous for some reason, but still smiled. "I got to tell you something."

"Let's go inside, shall we?" I asked as I walked around back to the stairs that led up to my house above the bakery.

I quickly ran to my room, so he wouldn't have to wait on me long. I unlatched the window and let him in. "What's up?"

"Marinette," He said seriously. "I just had to know if it was true."

"Spit it out, Chat." I said, rolling my eyes. How was I supposed to tell him if it were true or not if he wouldn't tell me?

"I've heard from... from a friend," He said slowly. There was no amusement visible on his face. He was being dead serious, and interested in whatever he had to say.

"Yes...?" I said, trying to get it out of him.

"If he's correct, then I know who you like, love even." He said. He seemed to hold his breath for my response.

"W-who do you suspect?" I asked. I felt myself blush, and hoped it wasn't bad. I would die if he knew that it was-

"Adrien." He said. "Adrien Agreste." The name made me freeze.

"Why would you think I liked him?" I asked, panicking. "Who told you that? What isn't there to like? Of course I don't like him, you stupid cat."

I noticed his face turn a faint shade of pink. He muttered something I couldn't hear.

"W-what was that?" I asked. I knew my face must have been bright red, but I didn't care.

"You do like... him then." He said a little louder.

"And what is it to you?" I asked. Why would he care if I had a thing for Adrien?

"I want you to be happy." He said with a small smile. "You should tell him."

"What?!" I couldn't believe the advice I was getting. Why would I tell the love of my life that I love him? I don't even think he'd return my feelings.

"He's too good for me..." I said quietly. "I wouldn't deserve him."

"Why would you say that?" He asked, clearly shocked. "If anything, you're too good for him!"

"No way." I let out a sad sigh. "He's kind... Generous... And just overall amazing. He's-"

"Purrfect?" Chat asked with a small smirk.

I rolled my eyes but had to agree with him. "Yes. Adrien is just... Purrfect."

Chat chuckled and continued to smile at me. "You need to tell him."

"As if he would feel the same way." I said. "He's got too many admirers to even notice me."

"That's untrue! I-" He suddenly stopped himself, then continued. "I'm sure he could feel the same way. Just give him a chance."

"Maybe you're right." Now that I think about it, I should tell him. That way if he returns my feelings we can live happily ever after, unless he doesn't return my feelings... I guess I'd have to move on, though I don't see how I could.

"So..." He said breaking my thoughts. "You'll tell him?"

That smile he gave me... So genuine... Chat really rooted for me. He believed in me. Somehow I knew that if I couldn't have Adrien, I'd always have Chat by my side.

"Yes, I think I will."

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