Chapter 14: The Card

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Marinette's POV

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Marinette's POV

Yes. I was hiding out in the restroom. I held the pink heart-shaped card in my hands. Tikki was giving me yet another pep talk. They always make me feel better.

"He didn't even look at me!" I said sadly.

"Maybe he didn't realize you were there." Tikki said. "He looked like he was sleeping."

"No, he was purposely avoiding eye contact with me!"

"I'm sure that's not it..." I heard the doubt in her voice. "Maybe he-"

"Thanks for your support..." I sighed. "I just don't think I can do it."

"And why's that?" She asked.

"If I tried, I know he'd reject my feelings." I said.

"Marinette," she was said. "What makes you think he'll reject you?"

"Because he's not in love with me." I sighed. "He loves Ladybug."

"And you are Ladybug!" Tikki said. "Which means Adrien loves you!"

"He loves the Ladybug side of me..." I said.

I know... I'm in denial. I didn't think it was possible that Adrien, love of my life, could return my feelings.

"You were chosen to be Ladybug because Master Fu knew you would be the one." Tikki reminded me.

"Yeah... But I bet he'll be disappointed that I'm Ladybug." I said sadly.

"Chat told you to tell him how you feel." Tikki pointed out.

"So did Alya...." I said. "But I've been trying forever now! I don't think I can."

"Marinette..." Tikki said sadly. I knew she wanted to help me. She wanted to help me confess my feelings for Adrien. I would, except the thing holding me back was myself.

I still doubted that I could tell him without it being awkward. I also doubted that Adrien would accept my feelings, much less actually return them.

The thought of Adrien loving me back made me feel giddy inside.

"MARINETTE!" Tikki sounded exasperated. "Are you even listening to me?"

"I'm sorry, Tikki." I told my kwami. "I guess I zoned out a little.

Tikki giggled. "Glad I got your attention. Now... I want you to walk out of here, and talk with Alya about this. I know she's with you on this as much as I am."

"You're right, Tikki." I smiled. "I'm lucky to have Alya as my best friend, and you as my kwami."

Tikki gave my cheek a quick hug before flying into my pink purse. I took a deep breath, then took a step out.

"I'm sorry, Alya." I said. "I just needed time to-"

My eyes widened and I felt a blush spread over my cheeks. Adrien was standing there with Alya.

"I'm really sorry, Marinette." He said when I stopped talking. "I honestly didn't realize you were trying to tell me something."

Something about the way he looked at me told me his apology was deeper than I realized. Not just an apology for not noticing me earlier.

"I-It's alright..." I said. I had a smile plastered across my face. My disappointment instantly melted away. Adrien had come to talk to me!

"Give it to him!" Alya hissed in my ear. I froze, holding the card behind my back.

It was a few seconds before I realized she had left. I whipped around to see her smiling back at me. "I'm rooting for you!" She called back with a thumbs up.

I smiled awkwardly at Adrien. My face was red. I knew it had to be.

He shuffled his feet slightly in the awkward silence, but he was smiling back.

Come on... I can do this! Just give him the card!

"I-" I was cut off.

"So-" He was cut off.

We had both spoken simultaneously. I giggled nervously and he chuckled nervously. Why was he nervous?

"Y-you first." I said.

He gave a small nod and said, "So...  What do you got there?"

I blushed deeper. He was referring to the card. "I-I... W-well..." I giggled nervously. "... Here." I finally did it. I held the card out for him.

He had taken a step back to read it. I trembled a little in shock with myself. I didn't think I'd actually be able to give it to him.

"This is how you feel?" He asked me. "Why didn't you say so sooner?"

"W-well... You're just so p-perfect and I'm not..." I started rambling. "S-So... How could y-you possibly return m-my feelings? I'm just Marinette! I'm not good enough-"

I froze and stopped talking immediately as soon as he kissed me. He cut me off. I was frozen as I watched him pull away. "Don't you dare even finish that thought."

I stared at him in shock. "Y-you..."

"I know, I know...  I kissed you..." He said. I realized at that moment that he was blushing red too. "I guess that's my way of saying... I love you too."

I exploded with happiness on the inside, though I only smiled and giggled awkwardly.

"W-why d-did y-you..."

"Cut you off?" He finished. "I... Couldn't stand to hear you say that I was too good for you."

"But you are!" I said. "You're perfect! And me? I'm Marinette. I'm nothing special. I'm a nobody compared to you."

"Maybe you are." He said. "Maybe you are a nobody compared to me. To the rest of the world. But to me, you're everything. You're the world to me."

I was too shocked to respond. I'm... The world to him? But I thought he loved Ladybug over me? Does he know that I'm Ladybug?

A tear ran down my cheek, and was soon wiped away by his hand. "You're... Not disappointed?"

"What would I be disappointed for?" He asked.

"Because me, clumsy and awkward Marinette, is-" I was cut off by the school bell starting class.

I felt him take my hand. "We better go to class." He said. I nodded and blushed a bit.

When we got to the door, he let go of my hand. "Best that we tell Alya and Nino outside of class."

"Tell them what?" I asked.

"That we're a thing now."

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