Chapter 1: Late... Again

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Marinette's POV

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Marinette's POV

"Marinette!" I heard a soft voice in my ear. I opened my eyes to find myself on the floor, and my blankets next to me. I must have rolled out of bed un the middle of the night. "Marinette, get up!" I recognized the soft voice when it spoke again. Tikki, my kwami.

I sat up and stretched my arms upward. "I'm up, Tikki." I yawned as she hovered in front of my face. She wore a very worried expression, which confused me. "Tikki, what's wrong?"

"Marinette, you're late for school!" Tikki exclaimed in her soft high pitched voice.

I stood up and threw my blankets back onto my pink bed. "What?!" I panicked. "Oh no... No... No!"

I guess I had been out too late last night with Chat Noir, so I slept in. Not my fault! Hawk Moth sent another akumatized victim!

As soon as I finished getting dressed in my usual attire, I slung my pink purse over my shoulder, threw on my backpack, and bolted out the door. It's a good thing my family's bakery is right across the street, but I'm still a half hour late.

I crashed through the classroom door and muttered my apologies and excuse to Ms Bustier. To make up for my interruption, I quickly headed to my seat behind Adrien.

Adrien. I noticed him give me a small smile, which made me feel giddy inside. I awkwardly smiled back and gave a small wave. Before I knew it, I had fallen. Tripped over someone's schoolbag.

Adrien's POV

"GAAAH!" I heard Marinette yell as she suddenly fell to the floor. As I heard the snickering of our classmates, I looked down and realized she had tripped over my bag. Guilt washed over me while I quickly got out of my seat and knelt next to her to help her up.

"Are you alright?" I asked. She stood up, trembling. I couldn't understand why. Had the fall been that bad?

Marinette rubbed her head. "Yep!" She laughed nervously, then walked passed me to her seat. I slightly shrugged to myself and sat back down in my seat.

Marinette is so clumsy... But I like being there for her. She's a great friend, and I'm always happy to help.

"Girl, did you hear him?" I heard Alya whisper to Marinette excitedly. "Adrien just checked on you!"

"Yeah." Marinette replied quietly.

I felt a soft blush spread across my cheeks. I didn't think helping Marinette was such a big deal.

Nino was tapping his own beat against the desk with his fingers. He had seen the whole scene, no doubt. "Dude. What was that about?" Nino asked.

I let out a soft chuckle. "Just a friend helping a friend..." Why did I have to sound so unsure of myself? Those girls are really starting to get to me!

"Right..." Nino replied unbelievingly, continuing to tap on his desk. I shook my head, trying to focus on the teacher's lecture, although I couldn't push the warmth growing on my cheeks.

I propped up my head with an arm to keep from laying it down on the desk. Balancing being Adrien and Chat Noir was catching up to me. I was exhausted, but had to go to school anyway.

I heard Marinette mutter, "A friend helping a friend?" The last part she added in a whisper to Alya, though I could still hear her. "What does that mean?"

Although I don't know exactly what she meant, I just knew my already slightly pink face was darkening a bit when I felt the heat in my ear tips.

"Oh..." I heard Alya say. "I don't know..." To me, it sounded like she had guessed that I had helped her because I... No...

I blushed at the thought and quickly put my head on the desk, hiding my reddened face in my arms.

"Huh?" Marinette asked Alya. She sounded very nervous, making my face darken even more with embarrassment.

"Hey... Adrien?" Nino hesitantly called out to me in a quiet voice. I knew this was new for my friends to see. I've never acted this way before a round them.

I blushed harder into his arms. "Y-yeah, Nino?" I'm such a mess...
"Dude... Are you sick? You never act like this," he told me, and I felt his hand on my shoulder.

I glanced sideways at Nino, my head laying on my arms. "I... Don't know..."

I couldn't believe I was acting like this. Marinette doesn't see us as more than friends, right? I was just over reacting...

Nino tried really hard not to, I could tell. He tried his hardest... but burst out into laughter anyway. He struggled to calm himself down as he turned back to look at me. "You're not sick, right?"

I hid my face in my arms again, shaking my head no. Now Nino knew I had been blushing. Just great...

I sat up, my face not quite as red anymore, and said, "I... I'm fine, Nino, really."

"In that case, after school we should totally hang." Nino said. "At the park?"

I knew I wouldn't be able to forget about the earlier situation very soon, but Nino knew how to help. I brightened up and nodded. "Sounds great!" By now, may face had gotten back to its normal shade.

Nino smiled to himself as he scribbled some words onto a piece of paper and slipped it back to Alya. He then whistled, acting like he did nothing, but it making him stand out in the quiet classroom. I looked at him curiously for a minute. What was he up to?

I soon gave up, knowing he wouldn't tell me. I'll figure it out later, but for now, I guess I better further distract myself from the earlier situation and actually pay attention to Ms Bustier's lecture.

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