Tenten x Reader: Ice Cold

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It really sucks to be you sometimes, because you just found the prettiest girl that you have ever laid your eye's on. But she can't see you. It would be nice if people in konoha actually believed in you,(notice meh senpai) the only good thing about being you is that you get to ride with the wind and make frost/snow come out of thin air.

*sigh* "How do I get someone to believe in me..... think....think.... I got It! Its the middle of summer and she's training by herself, perfect now for my plan to take action". *throws snowball at Tenten's face* "Maybe that was a bad idea, cause she looks hella pissed but ultimately confused.... Great! Now for faze two" *turns the river beside Tenten into ice* "wow i'm amazing, now for the last step" *makes snow fall from sky while making an ice sculpture of a dolphin (cuz y not)* "Wait a minute..... is this that frost guy I've heard myths about doing this?" Tenten says. "I'm a fuckin' female god dammit" you say.

Tenten turns around and stares dumbfounded at you "You know it's rude to sta- wait a minute is there someone behind me... nope i'm all go- wait a second can you see me???" She falls to her knee's and starts crying "(Y/n) is that really you!?" she says "I know me because i'm that me you speak of!" you say in a goofy way "How are you here?! You're dead! You died a year ago..." she says "WAIT I DIED!?!? HOW?!?" you ask.

"It was snowing during the summer one day for some reason, me and you were sent out on a mission to stop these rogue ninja from terrorizing people. You went on the lake with two of 'em while i was on the bridge with the other two, when I finished up with my guys i turned around and saw the ice behind you being destroyed and you falling backwards into the frozen water with a kunai in your chest" Tenten says.

You walk over to Tenten and try to comfort her, but as you do a certain question hits you "When I was alive did I have a girlfriend or boyfriend?" you ask. Instead of using words Tenten just moves closer and pecks you on the lips "i'll take that as a yes".

Well I hope you all enjoyed my first oneshot story. i kinda based it around the movie Rise Of The Guardians like how Jack Frost was 'created' because I loved that movie so I thought I should smash my two favorite things together and put it as a oneshot. My logic: ROTG + Naruto = Oneshot


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