Matsuri x Harumin: I Wish PT.1

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As promised AnimeWeeaboo-69, if it doesn't meet or exceed your expectations, then tell me. I will try and make it better. But I do hope you enjoy!

You've been cut right down the middle, crushed into a hundred parts

'Finally, they're all asleep...' Matsuri thought.

They all decided to have another sleep over and stay up late talking.

But Matsuri had other plans for tonight.

While checking to make sure everyone was asleep, she noticed that Harumin was gone.

'I wonder where she ran off to...'

I know this might hurt a little, but I will only make it worse

Matsuri noticed a shadow on the curtains behind her, Harumin must've been outside on the balcony.

'So that's where you went.'

She got up and tip toed over to the slide doors, peeking through the curtains.

Matsuri's mouth was slightly agape as she stared at Harumin's beautiful figure standing in the moonlight.

I want you, but I can't be the reason why you lose faith in everything that you find

She caught herself staring and shook her head.

'Why am I acting this way?! This is so unlike me...' Matsuri was a tad flustered, a slight tint of pink painted her cheeks.

Once she regained control of herself, she opened the slide doors and stepped outside.

"You're up late"

Harumin stiffened slightly, she recognised the voice immediately.

"I had trouble sleeping... to much on my mind..."

Matsuri felt curious but hesitant at the same time, she wanted to know what was troubling her, but she didn't want to pry.

She decided to go with what her heart told her.

I'm warning you now babe, go run and hide, woah

"What's the matter?" Matsuri asked.

"I-I just-...*sigh* I like this person and I'm not sure if they like me back." Her head went down a bit when she finished that sentence.

"You've peeked my interest" Matsuri tried to look her in the eyes, "does this person have a name?" She asked.

Harumin's head shot up at this.

"U-um... I-it's a g-g-girl..." She said, her eyes avoiding Matsuri's.

Matsuri got a mischievous grin at the thought that popped into her head.

She got close to Harumin and gently pushed her further up against the railing.

I wish you didn't love me, I wish you didn't care about me at all

"Just a thought, but, is that someone me?" Matsuri said, smirking.

She held Harumin's chin between her thumb and index finger.

Harumin stood for a little bit, thinking, then she turned and pushed Matsuri against the railing.

"Wai- wha-" Matsuri failed to form words as hands made there way to the back of her head.

Harumin leaned in close before saying, "I love you."

Then she kissed her.

Matsuri was more than shocked to find out she was loved by someone, but she was also sad.

Cause even I don't trust me, so I'ma let you down before you fall

After all the damage she did to Yuzu and Mei's relationship, she thought that she wasn't worthy enough for a relationship.

Matsuri couldn't trust herself to love someone else in such a way, it hurt her to think like that, but, she thought it was the truth.

Once Matsuri decided to kiss back, Harumin pulled away.

"I'm guessing, those feelings aren't returned... it was stupid anyway." She faked a chuckle near the end of the sentence, but Matsuri saw through her facade.

And maybe in another life we can try this one more time, but right now please don't love me

She could see Harumin's eyes shine from the now forming tears, it made her heart ache to see her like that.

As Harumin turned to walk away, Matsuri grabbed her arm and looked down to try and hide her face.

"I-it's not stupid...those feelings are returned, but, I'm just scared..." Matsuri said, there was a hint of hesitation in her voice. You could hear small sniffles coming from the smaller girl.

There was a pause.

Cause I don't deserve you at all

"What are you so afraid of?"

I'm gonna be evil and end it here, but don't worry I will try my hardest not to procrastinate, I promise. *sigh* I need to stop making these promises, I never keep em' *chuckle* I'm such a bad author. But anyways, I start school next week so don't expect a lot (your expectations should already be very low) from me. But I'm gonna go to sleep (or at least try to), have a goodnight/day y'all! Btw, the next part isn't going to have a song but something different 🤔

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