Yuzu x Mei: Seams

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If this is short, I'm sorry. And for the sake of this one-shot, please go with the fact that this song that I've used, doesn't exist in their world.

"Mei, wait-"

Yuzu sighed as she heard the door slam.

Their relationship was going down the drain, Yuzu could see that clearly now.

'How did this even happen? One minute she was asking me random questions, then she gets pissed off at me... *sigh* she is a... complicated girl.' Yuzu thought

After Mei slammed their bedroom door, she went over and curled up on their bed. She could feel a few tears sliding down her face.

"Mei, please open the door. I'm sorry if what I said upset you, I just- *sigh* I didn't think you felt the same way... I love you, Mei..."

Mei's thoughts were racing, she hugged her pillow tighter as she heard Yuzu trying to get her to talk back.

When Yuzu didn't hear a response, she pressed her back to the door and slid down.

As Yuzu sat there she thought that she should put her feelings into a song.

"All of the thread that I used to tie us, it's coming apart, it's coming apart. All of the colors, the colors that I used, they turned dark, they turned dark."

'Yuzu's singing now?' Mei thought, hearing her voice calmed Mei down some.

Yuzu paused, trying to think of more lyrics.

'Is she finished?' Mei thought, a tad bit dissapointed.

"And I don't even know why I've been feeling so low, but I hear for the fire and got no place to go. All of the thread that I used to tie us, it's coming apart, it's coming apart."

Yuzu wanted to put everything that she's been thinking about into this next part, hopefully it hits Mei's ears.

"I don't understand what's happening, baby, you're breaking my heart. I don't even know how to talk to you lately, we're falling apart." Yuzu had a few tears falling down her face as she remembered all the arguments they've had, and how many times they've hurt each other.

"All of the things that were keeping us warm, well, they don't work, no they don't work. Out in the cold now, I can't even see you, god this hurts, it really hurts."

Mei wanted to go out there and say, 'no, they can still work, we can fix this... together.' But she couldn't bring herself to say it.

"And I don't even know why I've been feeling so low, but I hear for the fire and got no place to go. All of the things that were keeping us warm, now, they don't work, no they don't work.  I don't understand, what's happening, baby, you're breaking my heart. I don't even know how to talk to you lately, we're falling apart..."

Yuzu got up and faced the door.

"Mei, I don't think we should stay together. We've been through so many fights and arguments, I think we shou-"

The door swung open and Mei pulled Yuzu into a bone crushing hug.

"Don't think like that, OK? I love you, Yuzu."

Yuzu could tell Mei was crying, she was shaking slightly and her shirt was getting a bit wet.

"Alright! Alright! I'm sorry. I love you to, Mei." Yuzu said, slightly blushing. She didn't know Mei cared so much, it's actually quite comforting that she does care.

"Do you really mean it?" Mei looked Yuzu dead in the eyes as she asked.

Yuzu saw an opportunity, and decided to take it.

She leaned in and kissed Mei.

"Yes, I mean it."

Alrighty, I'm sorry if this is short. I couldn't think of a story plot that would be longer. But I hope you all enjoyed. Next up is Matsuri x Harumin. I haven't thought of a plot for them yet, hopefully I think of one soon.

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