The Place You Belong - Rin x Reader #2

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*spoilers ahead*

(Rin's POV)

I started crying once I realized (y/n) was already here, singing our song.

The head of the village was notified that she's been hanging around the village for a while now, (y/n) was marked as a rogue ninja after she left, so it's obvious that they would go after her. They predicted that she would go and find me, we were close friends but I always thought that we could've been more, but because we were close friends they made me the decoy.

It. Sucks.

I said no but they forced me to... 'for the greater good of the village', I call bullshit.

The ANBU are gonna wait until I go outside to see her and then ambush her, well guess what, I had a different plan in mind.

I hold up a piece of paper so she can understand the situation.

(No ones POV)

'It's an ambush, run.' You read.

Damn, you really wanted to see her. Fuck you village *sigh*, you decide to at least take what you came here for.

You bust through Rin's door, grab her, then teleport away.

"(Y-y/n) what are you doing?!" Rin asks, as you run away, carrying her bridle style.

"I'm taking my gir- I mean friend back" you say embarrassed, you can feel the heat rise to your face.

You can see Rin staring at you from the corner of your eye, 'she's so cute when she's embarrassed', you giggle when you think of that; You end up catching her attention immediately though.

"What's so funny, (y/n)?" Rin asked, you can hear her smirk.

"Uhh um n-nothing." You say as you start to get nervous and embarrassed.

"Oh come on, I know that you know it wasn't nothing." You can still hear her smirk.

"Ijustthoughtyoulookedcuteembarrassed" you said, hoping she didn't understand you.

But it turns out she did as she looked away, a blush spreading across Rin's face.

(Time skip)

"We finally made it." you say as you open the door to an apartment in (village)

"So this is where you've been staying, huh." Rin says, very surprised they haven't found you sooner.

"Yea..." you say, you really want to tell her how you feel and about everything that's happened to you.

Rin hears the hint of sadness in your voice. "Is there something wrong (y/n)?" She asks.

"No....! I mean.....yea." you take in a deep breath. "Rin I l-love you" you say as you clench your fists, hold your breath, and stare at her in the eyes. Preparing for rejection.

"(Y-y/n) I-I love you to!" Rin says excited.

"Really!?!" You say.

"Yea, I will always love you. I love you more than anyone and thing, even the village." Rin says, sounding a bit to clingy.

Then everything comes back to you, the war, Rin being dead for a long while, Madara, and the infinite tsukiyomi.

"Don't tell me... no. No! NO! You're not real, you're dead. I'm stuck in this genju-" all thoughts you had are washed away as your brainwashed into thinking this is your home, the place you belong.

Like I said, sorry not sorry! ^ω^

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