Chapter One

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Red stood in her office in shock. The words rung through her head. 'Nicky has been stabbed'. Gina stood by Red rubbing her back trying to comfort her.

"Vee" whispered Red menacingly. Without saying anything else Red ran into the canteen and immediately placed her eyes on Vee. Red stormed over too her and roughly grabbed her. She pushed her against the nearest wall.

"What did you do to her?" Yelled Red with tears streaming down her face. They burned through her skin.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Replied Vee calmly. "Now would you please let me go." She Said whilst pushing her off her. All of the Inmates who were in the canteen were watching. Red collapsed on the floor in tears. Gina and Norma came over and picked Red up. they helped her move into the bunks and into her bed. Red said nothing, she just looked up.

"When did it happen?" Red asked Gina amongst tears.

"This morning. I only just found out."

Red never replied. A few moments later the door opened with a crying Lorna running in followed by Piper and Alex who also looked upset. Lorna ran into Nicky's area and collapsed in her bed, wrapping herself in Nicky's sweater. Lorna held it close to her. Alex and Piper were crouched beside her. They were both also crying but tried to hold it in for the sake of Lorna. Red walked in followed by Gina and Nora. They took a seat on the other end whilst Red sat next to Lorna. Lorna sat up and nestled her head into Red. Red held Lorna tightly and they both cried into each other. Alex and Piper were hugging also whilst crying. Both Gina and Norma were crying lightly. Boo walked in who also looked upset.

It was several hours later and they were all in the same position. No one had said a word. The rest of the people who were also in the bunk remained silent. Either grieving themselves or respecting her family. Red could hear the sound of heavy footsteps approach. She looked up. It was Healy.

"Red." He began sympathetically. "I can take you to see Nichols if you like." Red's eyes lit up. She nodded and stood up. She felt light headed but she managed to shake it off in the excitement of being able to see her beloved Nicky. Healy turned back around and looked over at Lorna.

"I can't promise anything but I will try and make them let you visit her soon."

"Thank you." Said Lorna weakly. Healy turned back to Red and guided her out.

Before she knew it Red was stood outside the doors to Medical.

"I will Be out here." Said Healy gesturing for Red to walk in. She took a deep breath and pushed the door open. Instantly her eyes were drawn to her. It gave Red some slight comfort to see Sister Ingalls sat beside her holding her daughters limp hand tightly. Sister had been in here since she collapsed last week.

"I haven't left her side since she arrived." Said Sister. Red smiled at her weakly. She crouched down at Nicky's other side and kissed her head softly. Red noticed a large gash on Nicky's forehead. It looked painful and was surround by bruising. Red noticed Nicky's breathing was laboured and held a wheeze to it.

"It's better then it was when she was first brought in here." Said Sister Ingalls noticing Red looking at her chest. She noticed  marks round her collar bone and neck. She guessed she had been strangled. Red'd eyes trailed down to Nicky's arms. They were bandaged with blood already leaking through.

"Ninety three stitches." Said Sister. "Her right side is worse then her left. She was stabbed four times to the right and once on her left side."

"Do you know anything about her condition?"

"She's not in a good way. She came in here with several stab wounds, broken ribs, a punctured lung, internal bleeding and several other broken bones." Said Sister Ingalls. "I only know what I have heard."

"When will she wake up?" Asked Red rubbing Nicky's other hand softly.

"They have no idea."

"Is she in pain?" Red looked up at Sister Ingalls. Sister simply just shrugged. Red looked at the gash on Nicky's forehead.

"How did she get that?"

"They think it was from when she fell on the floor." Said Sister softly, her voice breaking. "She fought back though Red. The Doctors said she put up a big fight. She stood up for herself." This pained Red to hear. She couldn't bare the thought of her daughter trying to defend herself. She knew how strong Nicky was and she knew that she could defend herself well but not when she had a knife pulled on her.

"I have to go." Said Red getting up slowly. She kissed Nicky in the head again. "I love you my child. I will be back as soon as I can I promise. She will pay." Red left the Medical room. She looked back through the glass on the door one last time and laid eyes on her daughter. She would get justice.

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