Chapter Two

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Nicky was in the shower. She had just washed her mane of hair and was now drying off. Once she was dry she slipped back on her prison uniform and headed over to the sinks. She was looking at herself in the mirror when she saw a familiar face staring from behind her. Nicky turned around and looked her in the face.

"Can I help you?" She asked argrily.

"Actually you can." Replied Vee. She sounded so calm it send shivers down Nicky's spine. "I need you to tell me how your mommy smuggles her items in." Nicky looked at her for a moment.

"I wouldn't know." She shrugged. The two looked at each other for a while. All of a sudden Vee pushed Nicky back against the wall.

"Tell me where she gets it in an no one gets hurt." Said Vee as she pulls out a knife and pulls it up to Nicky's neck. Nicky begins to breath heavily.

"I told you I don't know how she does it!" She yells hoping someone would hear them.

"Fine." Said Vee. For a moment Nicky thought that was going to be the end of it, but it wasn't. "If you wont help me then I guess i don't need you anymore." Vee pulled the knife away and was about to push it into Nicky's chest. Before she could Nicky pushed Vee out of the way by punching her hard in the face. Vee's head fell back and Nicky began to run but before she could get to the door Vee pulled her back. The two fought for a good few minuets before Vee called for Crazy Eyes. Crazy Eyes walked in holding a long chain. She chucked it to Vee who nodded and Crazy Eyes walked back out. Vee flung the chain behind Nicky and began to strangle her. Nicky began to choke. It had been around a minuet and Vee was still strangling Nicky. Nicky's leg collapsed and she fell to the floor. Vee released the chair from around her neck and pulled out the knife once again. She stabbed Nicky in her left hip. Nicky quickly turned around trying to get away put Vee held her still with one hand and with the other she stabbed Nicky in the right side, and again, and again, and again. Vee moved away her hand and left the knife next to Nicky. Vee began to violently kick Nicky in the face and all over the rest of her body. Nicky began to sob quietly. She was clutching her right side and was covered in blood everywhere. Vee crouched down and moved over to Nicky's ear.

"Next time you might tell me rather that keep it to yourself. Although to be honest you probably won't live to see another day but in the sad case that you do you wont tell anyone about this or I will make sure you die this time." Vee punched Nicky hard in the nose and left. Nicky was left slowly dying on the floor surround in a pool of blood. Everything went silent and then everything went fuzzy and then everything went black. Just as Nicky closed her eyes Boo walked in. She walked over and almost tripped over Nicky. She looked down and noticed Nicky's limp body.

"Holy shit!" Cried Boo. She ran out and looked for help.

Red was in curled up in her own bunk. She had been back from seeing Nicky for about half an hour. Since she had been back many people had asked her how Nicky was but Red just ignored them. She didn't want to deal with this right now. Red could hear a rustling from her bunk entrance. She looked up and saw Lorna timidly standing there. Her face was stained with tears, her lipstick was smudged, her mascara had run, her curls had fallen out and wrapped around her was Nicky's jumper.

"Please Red." She began weakly. "Please tell me how Nicky is." Red sat up and patted the bed next to her. Lorna took it as a signal to sit down next to her, so she did. Red wrapped her arm around her.

"Do you want me to sugar coat it?" Asked Red hoarsely, probably from all the weeping and shouting. Lorna shook her head gently. "Fine." Began Red before pausing. She took a deep breath and continued. "She has a large gash on her forehead, they said it was probably from where she fell. She has strangle marks round her collarbone and neck. Her arms are all bandaged up and covered in blood. She was stabbed for times at her right side and once to her left side. She's got broken ribs, internal bleeding, a punctured lung and several other broken bones. She had ninety seven stitches. Her breathing is laboured and wheezy and she is in a coma. I'm just glad Sister is there to keep her company." Red broke down again and shortly after, Lorna did too. They held each other praying for their Nicky.

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