Chapter Eight

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Two weeks has passed since Nicky had removed herself from the family. Her life consisted of staying away from everyone and taking drugs. She had just had her stitches removed and bandages taken off. The cut on her forehead had finally began to heal and she no longer had to wear her sling although her sides did still hurt and she still couldn't sleep. Her voice had started to come back now. Nicky hasn't seen too much of Vee, only when she was getting drugs of her.

Red had managed to persuade the family not to have anything to do with Nicky. At breakfast they all sat at their usual table. Red approached them and gently placed her hands on the table.

"Have any of you seen Nicky this morning?" She asked. They all said no. "I haven't seen Vee either and I'm sure she has something to do with this."

"I'm sure she will be okay. Nicky knows how to handle herself." Replied Gina trying to comfort her.

Nicky was in the bathroom snorting a line. This is what she lived for now. She sat, content for a moment before she heard the bathroom door open. She didn't really care who it was. She watched the curtain open and Vee was stood the other side with her usual followers.

"You Need to get yourself sent to the shu." She stated.


"Your high and people are going to start noticing. Plus there are things I need to take care of and I can't have you here messing things up."

"How am I supposed to do it?"

"I've stolen a screwdriver and placed it in your bunk. They know it's missing and when they conduct a search they will find it and send you to the shu."

"They'll send me to Max!"

"No they won't." As she said that Vee left leaving Nicky sat alone again wondering what was going to happen next.

Nicky was throwing up in the toilet. It was her first day in prison and she couldn't feel more alone. Her mum had told her she never wanted to see her again. She was detoxing and in prison for the next five years. Great. She heard the door open and she became nervous. She saw a woman with deep red hair walking in followed by a woman with short light brown hair. They red haired woman scared her. The two woman watched Nicky for a moment.

"Come over here." She said. Normally Nicky would stick her middle finger up at someone who tried to tell her what to do, but this woman seemed different. At this point Nicky was dry heaving, sweating and crying. Nicky struggled to move so the woman helped her. "I'm Red. What's your name child?"

"Nicky." She said in between gagging.

"Normas going to get you some mouth wash. A fresh mouth makes everything feel better." Red said as Norma ran out. Red helped Nicky move over to the sink and Nicky leaned back. Red began to wipe Nicky's face with a cloth. "You have to hit rock bottom before you know which direction to go in. Welcome to the floor kid. Things will get better from now on. And think what I will do to you if you use again will hurt a lot more than this." Red was holding tightly onto Nicky's face. "Remember what I'm saying. Red looked down and noticed the track marks on Nicky's arms.

"I'm so scared." Whimpered Nicky as she fell into Red and wrapped her arms around her. Red held her tightly and instantly Nicky felt safe.

Nicky was sat in her bunk reading a magazine.

"There doing a bunk search." Yelled an inmate. Nicky's heart began to speed up. She knew exactly what was about to happen. Slowly she stood up and walked out of her bunk. She stood outside the entrance with Norma the other side. Red and Piper's bunk was opposite She she tried to about eye contact at all cost. One by one the COs searched each of the bunks throwing things everywhere. After a while they came to Nicky and Norma's bunk. They started on Norma's side and then moved onto Nicky's. She felt sick, knowing what was about to happen.

"Found it!" Shouted a CO holding the screwdriver in the air. He walked over to Nicky.
"You've got a one way ticket to the shu inmate." He said as she started to handcuff Nicky.

"No!" Red cried. Nicky looked at her for they first time in a while and shook her head gently. The CO started to lead Nicky out. Red and the rest of the family followed behind. As Nicky was walking through the corridor she noticed Vee. Who was stood watching looking pleased with herself. What did Vee have planned next?

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