Chapter Six

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"And you are sure that you have no idea who stabbed you Nichols?" Asked Mr Caputo for the tenth time. Nicky was at across from him in his office. She had been back one day.

"I can't remember." She replied quietly. Her voice was still weak and it hurt to talk.

"Okay, we will leave it there for now but you will have to try and remember." Nicky nodded.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I feel like shit. I can barely speak, my sides hurt and I'm so tired."

"Just rest Nichols. You don't have to go back to work until you feel ready."

"Thank you Mr Caputo." She said as she slowly got up and left his office.

Back in the suburbs Nicky slowly entered her bunk and sunk down on her bed. She really didn't feel much better than when she first woke up and prison wasn't helping her get any better. She pulled the thin, itchy blanket over her head and shut her eyes tightly.

"Next time you might tell me rather that keep it to yourself. Although to be honest you probably won't live to see another day but in the sad case that you do you wont tell anyone about this or I will make sure you die this time."

Nicky sat bolt up right. Vee's words kept ringing through her eyes. Nicky could never forget the pain she felt when Vee strangled her with the chain and when she stabbed her and when she beat her up. Of course Nicky did know how Red got her contraband into the prison but Red was her mother and she wasn't going to sell her out. Nicky sat up in her bed, unable the rest properly. She rolled her shirt up slightly and looked at the bandages covering her wounds. She had never felt pain like it and she hoped she would never have to feel pain like it again. However little did she know the most painful thing was still waiting to come...

It was dinner time and a reluctant Nicky, with help from Red, entered the canteen, hot her tray and sat down in her usual spot. Only Lorna was there at the time. they talked to each other. Nothing too important but just stupid stuff really. For a moment Nicky forgot all the pain she was in and was focused on the love of her life.

Dinner had been and gone and Red was clearing up in the kitchen with the help from Gina.

"How are you Red?" She asked whilst wiping the counters down. Red looked up from the floor she was mopping and looked Gina in the eye.

"I'm fine." She said before returning to her work.

"Be honest with me now." Red took a long sigh and looked back up.

"My daughter is hurt. Badly. She has been stabbed five times. She cant sleep, she is barley eating, she is weak and she is in pain. She cant remember the psychopath that did this to her which means they are still running around Litchfeild. They could try again on someone else...or her. I'm sure i know who it is but i cant know for sure." Said Red. With each word she spoke she started to cry harder. Gina did't say anything for she knew her words couldn't consul Red so instead she hugged her and she wouldn't let go until Red had stopped.

It was lights out and Nicky was laying in her bunk Norma had gone to the bathroom and the rest of the inmates were asleep, apart from Nicky. The COs were asleep in the bubble. Nicky couldn't sleep, sleep didn't come easy to her anymore. Every time she closed her eyes all she could see was Vee. Surprisingly Nicky hadn't seen Vee since her return to Litchfield. But that was the night it changed.

The door opened and Nicky looked up. Vee walked in cooly followed by Crazy Eyes and two other inmates Nicky didn't recognize. Norma still hadn't returned yet so she was all on her own. The two inmates stood either side of the bunk entrance guarding it while Vee walked in with Crazy Eyes closely behind her. Crazy Eyes had a murderous look to her whist Vee held a straight face which scared Nicky more. Nicky sat up and edged back in her bed. She felt like her heart would beat out of her chest any minute. Vee got down to Nicky's level and the two stared at each other for a while. When suddenly Vee grabbed Nicky's hair harshly and pulled her towards her. Nicky winced in pain and Vee used her other hand to cover Nicky's mouth. Nicky bite her but Vee didn't even flinch.

"Thank you for not grassing on me." She whispered. "I need you to do something for me." Nicky looked at her blankly not knowing what to do. "You need to cut yourself off from your family. Gina, Norma, Boo, Vause, Chapman, Morello and Red. You have one week to do it and after that if i ever see you talking to any of them again i will kill both you and your precious Mummy." Vee moved back slightly letting go oh her hair and mouth. "Oh and here is a little something to help." Vee reached into her bra and pulled out a familiar bag of white powder. She pushed it into Nicky's hands and closed Nicky's hand around it. "Let me know if you want more." She punched Nicky into her stab wounds and left followed by Crazy Eyes and the other two inmates who were still stood at the entrance to Nicky's cube. Nicky held her sides in pain. How could she cut off her family? They were the only people who had ever cared for her. But she couldn't let Red get hurt. Then Nicky remembered the bag still in her hand. She looked down and stared at it. She couldn't do it could she? Not after being clean for so long.

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