Counted All My Mistakes And There's Only One - Part 1

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*Three Months Later*

Harry didn't have many regrets in his life. Mistakes, yes, he was human after all, but he hardly regretted anything. However, that all started to change. As the days passed since he had called you, the more he regretted his decision. He thought that not talking to you to would help him move on and forget his feelings for you, but it didn't help at all.

It actually felt as if not talking to you made it all worse. All he kept thinking about was your time together, sure it wasn't very long, but it still meant something to him. He just wished he would have realized that before he let you walk out the door.

A part of him wanted to blame his sister for the reason, he was no longer speaking with you, but he was the one who made the actual decision. He was out to dinner with some of his castmates after filming one day and he noticed a couple sitting across from their table.

They seemed happy and in love. They were gazing into each other's eyes as if they were the only two people in the whole restaurant. Jealousy was slowly growing inside of him because he wanted that. He wanted that someone special in his life and he wanted that someone to be you.

When Harry got home that night, he went straight up to his room. He didn't even bother getting undressed, he just laid on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. Memories of you flooding his thoughts. He loved your smile and your laugh. He loved the way that your body felt against his. He loved falling asleep next to you and waking up to you.

He really needed to stop thinking about you. He knew that he had fucked up any chance that there ever was of you two being together. All because he was afraid of getting hurt. He was afraid that to you he was just rebound, a way to get over your ex. But it was his fault, he was the one who offered himself as a rebound; he just never thought that he would be the one to fall for you in the process.


Ever since that night, Harry called you, you threw yourself into your work. You weren't going to just let another guy break your heart and you be the one sitting at home again. You were slowly trying to forget your last visit to London and at times it was as if you had succeeded until you would hear one of his songs on the radio or see a couple out on the street.

You don't even know why you were so heartbroken over this. You only were with him for a week and you knew that you weren't ready for a relationship, but maybe deep down you were. But it didn't really matter looking back on it now because Harry didn't want a relationship either, he made that very clear.

You were at home, working on a song and eating some dinner. Trying to forget about Harry was even harder when every word and line reminded you of your time together. You sigh finally just stepping away from your piano and your notebook. You walk into your bedroom, laying down on your bed, staring up at your ceiling. What if you just sent him a text? Would that really hurt anything?

Yes. It would. It would hurt if he didn't text back or if you had to see the words, I don't want to talk you staring back you. You then started thinking about just going out, getting drunk and finding someone to get over him, but you knew that would make you feel worse. You then started to wonder if maybe Harry was out doing that or if he missed you. If he even thought about you. Maybe you were just another girl to him, maybe that's why it was so easy for him to just end it.

But you knew what you were getting in too. You knew that it was never going to be anything serious, yet you're acting as if you two were going to fall in love. A tear was falling down your cheek and you quickly wiped it away. You were going to do this anymore. If he wanted nothing to do with you, then you were going to want nothing with him. Starting right now, you were going to forget all about him for good.

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