Chapter 11~Sarcastic Unicorns Being Idiots

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I flopped on my bed... and fell asleep instantly. And that was how I ruined my already messed up sleep schedule.

~Oh Wow Its A Time Skip To The Next Day ! :0~
(Also it's beginning of winter in le story)

I went to school as usual. As expected, all my friends were hanging out with Kayla, and me being the person I was, I avoided them. It was pretty easy, considering they appeared to be doing the same. I wanted to avoid them so much that I didn't go to the cafeteria at all, I just sat outside... in the cold.

Yeah, school was terrible that day. On my walk home I started complaining quietly to myself. I wasn't fooling anyone though, this situation happened because I refused to talk about He Who Must Not Be Named.

I was in a daze muttering to myself about Kayla's friends that I didn't realize I was already in my house. Annd Dark Pit is staring at me, that's embarrassing to say the least.

"I see you had a great day at school, huh?" Sarcasm laced his voice. Two can play at that game... idiot.

"Yeah definitely. I went to school, saw a unicorn and it became my best friend." I replied, slightly confused at what I was saying. I too used a lot of sarcasm when responding. But really, unicorns?

"Don't you have other friends other than that Kii... Kad..., whats her face?" He asked. His expression confused me, he seemed... genuinely concerned? No, I must be imagining things.

"Well... yes and no. My two other pretty good friends like Kayla more than me hah. My  other friend that I am close to is in college/university." I explained bitterly. Dark Pit seemed to be taken aback at what I said. "Surprised I answered you properly? Well you asked and got an answer, now I've got a shit ton of homework to finish so..." And with that, I walked away. It was a smooth transition between that conversation and my homework.... I definitely didn't have to redirect myself because I was going the wrong way.

Being the somewhat good kid I was, I finished my homework that was due the next day.  I started drawing, big surprise.  I saw my phone light up in the corner of my eye. How'd it get there? Now's not the time to think about that, someone's calling me.


"Hey Y/N. How are you?"

"Oh hey Aria! I'm... fine but how are you doing? Getting better?" Aria had been gone due to being sick for over a week, missing quite a bit of school. She misses school fairly often so it wasn't anything new to me. It was reassuring that she seemed pretty happy while we spoke, that means Kayla hasn't told her about the situation. I hope Aria will hang out with me at school until the tension is gone, if it will ever leave.

"Yeah, I'm doing fine. But I won't be back for another week because I'm going to [insert some place here]!" The smile on my face faded. Ah... so she won't even be at school, fantastic.

The conversation was short lived after that. And so I started to formulate my plan to avoid Kayla and the group at all costs at school. I was writing everything down and was so concentrated that I didn't realize I was speaking to myself. Until a certain someone decided to butt in and make fun of me.

"You sound like you're trying to escape from prison or something"

I whipped around to see the smug idiot smirking. Was I... talking to myself?

It's been one day without my friends at school and I'm already acting like a loner.

Well this is awkward. If you're wondering...
I was too lazy to write. Sad excuse, I know.
To those still here, thank you for being patient.
I do try to read the comments so if you want to shout
at me to update, feel free too, good motivation for me.
Though at some point I realized that I didn't get some
of the notifications from comments so I'll have to look
into that. My apologies for this chapter coming so late. If
we're being honest, the next time I'll update is probably
in a few months...  :/

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