Chapter 1:Akadummy

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A/N:3rd POV Will be hard for me to Do! So If I Say I In 3rd POV That's Mean I Think That I'm in Someone's POV, Oh And There will be Bad Words And mistakes made In This
Nagisa's POV
the teacher Of 3-E Koro~Sensei was teaching us shit that I kinda knew but I still paid attention to the lesson, Today is the day when some idols from B-2 come down and teach us and stay with us for a month?? I was confused when Koro~sensei told us 

I don't know Koro~Sensei wasn't allowed to tell us, I was Drawing Koro~Sensei and maybe Starlight "okay class there here" I sighed and put the drawing away (Trashcan)
Karma's POV
I'm going to E-3 the Teacher Name is Koro~Sensei, I Was Walking Up The Steps when Rio Said "Do You Think Well Find a Singer" I Sighed and Said "Maybe But Right Now I'm Thinking No" She Walked A little Faster Because I Was already at the top Of The Hill

"Okay Class There Here!" I Hear Koro~Sensei Say
"Hello I'm Rio Nakamura" she Bowed and Backed away
"I'm Yuma Isogai Its Nice To Meet You!" He Bowed and Backed Away
"I'm Hiroto Meahara" Then He Backed away
"I'm Akari Yukimura but I Like To Be Called Kaede!"
Then she Dowed and Then She backed Away
"I'm Karma Akabane"I Bowed and Back Away

"Its Nice To Meet you, Nagisa?" The Blue Haired Girl Looked up
"May you Take Them Outside for the Class to shot me we don't want the pop stars to be hurt do we?" Nagi~Chan Cute Name~
"Why Dose It Have to be Me?"
No way she's Not Going Fangirly "Because You Have To Tell him and you Use To Be In B-2"

No way! She Use To be In B-2 "I Only Been There for a Week--" The Teacher Gives Nagisa A look like The Devil "Finnnnnne just Don't Send me To Hell!"

Nagisa's POV
When The B-2 Kids Came In I Just Looked at

The Window I already Know There Names Rio Nakamure,Yuma Isogai, Hiroto Meahara, Akrari Yukimura and Karma Akabane

Then I Hear my Name "Its Nice To Meet You, Nagisa?" I sighed and Looked Up "May you Take Them Outside for the Class to shot me we don't want the pop stars to be hurt do we?"

I Know what he's Doing, He Wants me To Make Friends With Those Star-Kings and queen! "Why Dose it Have To Be Me?" I Said Pissed
Lets Just Skip To where We Go Outside
"Thanks!"i said Pissed "HUH What Did we Do?" Kaede Said "Well vegetable! I Would Like To go Back inside And Sh--" then i Hear gun Shots "Shit!" I Said "YOU GUYS CAN COME BACK INSIDE NOW!"

I Hear a Girl Say "Hehehe! Thanks!" Then I Went Back As My Oldself "What?" I said To Them "Why The Hell were You Acting so Nice to Her But Not U--" I Started walking

"Becuase She My cousin and I'm orphan Nice To meet you"

i said Opening a Door "WAIT AN ORPHAN??"
Few Hours Later
I was Singing alittle Song

Think i Can Fly, Think
I Can Fly One I'm with You,
Our Are Arms arw Wide Catching Fire As the wind Blows,
I Know That I'm Rich Enough for Pride,
See A Billion Dollars in your Eyes,
Even If Were Stanger Till we Die--

"Wow wow What a Good Singer!" I head Someone say "Sup Nagisa!" It was Karma "Oh...Hi...." i said "Your Really Good" wow Did he Just Say That? "No I'm Not!" He takes Out His Phone"Fine Then Hear This!"

He recorded my singing?!

"KARMA WHAT THE FUCK!" He Pats me on The head "Wait Till I Share This to Everyone!"

That Son of a biscuit! "So Your a Orphan?" I nodded "Well Your Coming home with me!" W-W-WAIT WHAT, He Picks me Up Like I'm some Doll
Few Minutes He Puts me Down
"Karma-Why did you Kidnap Nagisa" I looked up it was Rio "Wait Till you Hear this--"

I Kicked Him "NO!!" He was on the Floor "Owww" i look at the Clock "8:23 PM well Shit..." In like 7 minutes The Kids will be Wondering Where i am "What?" I Sighed "Kids" i Sighed "There so Going To Fucking Kill me..." Then Karma Picks me Up "Kids? What kids" I Was Blushing alittle "Orphan kids Baka!"

a little

"Oh Okay I'll Take You!" He said Smiling "why? I Can Just Run There" i said With Sass "Sassy! Anyways Because I'll just Tell the kids That I'm Just a Classmate" i was Blushing "Last Time I was Late and I Had a Boy with me They Though I was Dating Him!"
2 minutes Later
"Nagisa Were here!" He said

"Good bye boy~"

"Hey! Thats one of are Songs" I Smiled "Hehe Maybe I Am a Fan"
A/N: Hello Everyone So The reason why the story sucks Because 1: its 11:22 PM Right Now and 2: I'm just a Bad writer! But I Hope This Is Okay And Sorry that's its Short Really Am (P.S. I Do Not Own Anything But The Plot but here's a sneak peek of Chapter To oh and The Song is Called Runaway

Karma:I--We Want you to Join The Starlights
Nagisa:No Way!
Rio:Awww Why Not
Nagisa:Becuase...I'm Bad at It...

I'm Your Idol! (Karma X Famale Nagisa)Where stories live. Discover now