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I FORGOT THEY WERE IN HIGH SCHOOL WHEN THEY GOT MARRIED I JUST REALIZED THAT WHILE I WAS LISTENING TO MUSIC MY DUMBASS  OMFG while they were in there last year in high school and in there last month and I turned this into some small fantasy BUT STILL CAN'T BELIEVE I WAS FUCKING 10 and I'm 11 AND I THOUGH WHEN WAS SPELL ONE GOD IM GOING TO JUMP OFF A BRIDGE fun fact: I'm writing this on my computer ASANO IS MY BBY I FIND ASANO MORE CUTER  what the hell is this turning into XD I'm just a Pansexual\bisexual talking about how my story sucks and how Asano is cute and my bby 
Imma be honest how I find out I was Bisexual was odd...I found out on someones life book? they I hope to Know who they are AND I USED TO UPPERCASE EVERY FUCKING WORD AND I WAS 10
and If you don't know any fucking sexuality here's couple that I know

Bisexual: Like the same gender and the opposite
Pansexual: You don't give a fuck about looks  
Gay: like same-sex (If you are a guy)
lesbian: like same-sex (if you are girl)
trans: you don't feel comfortable in the gender were born in
Asexual: you don't feel any love towards anyone (I'm 10% of that)

A/N edit:It was 3 in the morning when I made this and yes I am Bisexual/Pansexual just a little confused

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