Chatper 21:What Happen 3 Years Ago

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Lily's POV

I Just join The starlight I'm so Happy! "Welcome Lily Redwood" Janna said smiling "Thank You"  I Said smiling Then I see Karma "Hello Karma Akabane" I Blush he Just looks at me and waves and Goes up to his room, I Look Down "Um Okay then.." I said looking up "Karma Is Just in a bad mood, his Girlfriend had to Go Somewhere NOT Near hare I Guess You can Put It" Meahara said and Smiled "Its nice to Meet You Lily" I Nodded then I see Rio "Hello There its Nice to see You" she said sadly "Why is Everyone So Sad?"I Asked Janna

"A Girl Named Nagisa Shiota Came hare And Dated Karma For a Month They Had some Things But In The End Nagisa Said Goodbye To Everyone And she Left 4 Days Ago So Everyone Is Stop Sad and Going Crazy About, Karma Has Been Helping The Orphanage Alot Becuase that's where Nagisa Used To Stay" she Said Sadly But Smiled

"Nagisa Sound Like an Awesome girl" I Said And Sat Down on The Couch "She was, Oh Have You Seen the News?" She Asked Getting The Remote, I Shack My Head "Hmmm Okay Then well Nagisa Is Unknown Girl, Can You Keep It a secret?" She Asked Smiled "Yeah!" I smiled

Karma's POV
Its July 21 Means That Nagisa's 13th Brithday was Yesterday I'm Happy I Got To Sing with Nagisa, In 3 Years I'll meet Koharu Nana My Future Wife or Redwood's Kid I Don't Remember... I Miss You Nagisa



"Hello Karma Akabane" A Girl With Brown Hair Said, She Must be The New Member of The Starlights...I Wave and Went To My Room

"Karma!" Keade Said Before I Could Go To My Room "Huh Oh Hey What's Up Keade?"I asked with Sadness "Your Birthday Coming Soon right?" She Asked "In Like 6 Months why?" I Asked Starting to walk Up the stairs

"You might see your girlfriend~" she Said smiled I turn around "WHAT?!" I Asked "Or Maybe Not...She Might Have Already Gotten a Boyfriend And Probably All Ready Planing There Wedding" she smiled "Keade I'll Kick You Out One Day!!" I Said She Smiled
2 Minutes later
"Karma Have You Met Lily?"She asked "I Think I Saw her" I Said Opening My Door "She has Brown Hair and Blue Eyes" she Said walking Into My Room "Keade Why are You Even Walking In my Room "I Need Your Pillow!" She Said
Nagisa's POV

"Hello There I'm Coby Nana" a Guy Said "Oh Hello There I'm Nagisa Shiota" I Said sitting Down On The couch "Hmm Your Nickname can be Koaharu!" He smiled "Your Giving me a Nickname?" I asked "Sorry Do You Not Like That Name?" He Asked Frowning "Its Fine Its Just...
Nevermind"I Smiled

"Okay It's Good To Know" he smiled "Your Room Is 2 Floors Up!"

The Place I Live In Has 6 Floor, I Get One Floor To Myself and that floor is Floor 2! 

Im So Happy but sad I Don't Get To see Karma But I Get To See Him On TV, But He Cant See Me Only On FaceTime... "Nagisa! Honey You Know That Karma Birthday coming " I Noded "It's coming in like 6 Months, Karma told me I Mean I am his Girlfriend" She smiled alittle, I Blush "We Only Dated for a month"  I Frowned But Tried To Smiled "You Might See Him again Nagisa Or Should I Say Koharu Nana" 

I blush, Karma Told Me He was Getting Married To a Girl Named Koharu Nana "So I'm Playing As Koharu Nana?!" I Asked "Its Fine If You Don't Want To But You Can Marry Karma!" She Smiled "WHY WOULD I WANT TO MARRY KARMA NOT AS MYSELF?!" I Yelled "Oh my God I AM so Sorry Auntie, I Did Not mean To Yell at You" I Said sitting Down

"No Its Fine I Know How Much You Loved Karma and want Him To See You As You..."

A/n:Welp I Made a Past Chatper HAHAHAHA AND IT ONLY TOOK ME 3 DAYS Fun Fact I Did some of this at School

I'm Your Idol! (Karma X Famale Nagisa)Where stories live. Discover now