part 13:3/2 Days Left💙

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Karma's POV
Nagisa and I Are walking Out of the Ice Cream Shop and we Walked to The Park and Sat on a Seat

"You Wanna Try mine?" I Asked Blushing "Huh? Oh Uh Sure!" She Said Smiling "Stop being so cute!" I Said giving her The IceCream and Licks the Ice Cream "Its Yummy Senpai!" She Said I Slowly Lick her Ice Cream "You Should Have Asked..." She Said

Having her Fingers Through my Hair "I Like One you Do That..." I Said Smiling "I Know~" She Kiss Me on the Cheeks "Nagisa...Will You Stay with me Forever Please" I Said Crying abit "Yes I'll Stay Here forever with you Till The End"

Few Hours Later Me and Nagisa Were Walking Away From My "Fans" I More Like Call Them Nagisa's And Mines Stalker or Killer

"Karma This is a Fun Date You Know" I Hear Nagisa Said "Really I Think it was a Bad Date...beacuse I Didn't Do a Good Job..."

I Said The next Thing I Know We're at my House Making Out on my Bed, I kiss alittle Harder Then almost Put My Hand Under Nagisa's Shirt "N-N-No We Can't..." I sigh And Noded "If it makes you Happy We can do 'it'" She Said Hugging me

"Nagisa The 'it' Part Will Be About You" I Said Hugging Her Back "How Do You Know?" she Asked "Okuda..." I Said

"Oh So Your Not--" I Cut My Princess Off By Kissing her "I Still Am Remember I'm Still Underage" I Said Smiling I Get Off Of Her and Look at her, She's Blushing Its So Cute
Flashback Over
Karma and Nagisa Started Dating for a Another Day (More Like Another 2 days)

"Karma You Okay?" Meahara Asked "Huh Oh Me? I'm Fine Meahara" I Said Smiling

"All right Then Anyways So I Was Thinking Maybe You should Forget About Bitchly Okuda"

he said " I'm Never Thinking About her Even One we Started Dating Meahara" I Said Pissed off a Little

"Sorry Karma! But You Always Think about Nagisa and I Was Just Thinking that You Think of Okuda!"

I Hear The Door Open It was Pirncess Nagisa "My Laby~ Hey"

Marhara Said I Give Him a 'You Better Back The Fuck Off' Face "I Mean Nagisa! Hehehehe" she Rolls her Eyes and Turns Around "Mommy! Come back~" I Said

Running After her With My Arms Out then I Hug her "M.o.m.m.y!" She Looks Up and Smiles "I Like One Mommy Smiles It Makes me Smile Hehehe" Then I Let Her Go and She Stands There Still Near My Arms "Do You Still want me to Wrap you?~" I Said

She nods "Okie Mommy~" I Said and I Wrap her With My Arms

Why is she So Warm?

"Nagisa are You Sick Again?" I Asked Picking Her Up "Maybe" she Said Blushing "I'll Take You To Bed Okay?" I Said She Nods And Slowly Sleep on me

Then I Put Her Down on the Bed Gentle and Put the blanket On her "I'm Always There.." I Said I Kiss Her on the forehead and left
2 hours later~
"Karma..?" I Hear A Cute Voice Said I Turn Around To See My Nagisa Standing There Waving at me "Hey Princess You Okay" I Asked Walking To Her

He Opens Her Mouth "Do You want me to kiss You Or S-Oh You Just want medicine" I Said Sad "If I Ever Get Better Maybe" she Said Blushing a little

"Well I Better Get You some Medicine!" I Said, I Hear Her Laughing a Bit "cute" I Said

One I came Back She was Sitting on the couch waiting "Open" (😏) She Turns Around and Opens Her Mouth (😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏)

"Its Yummy I Guess..." She Said Patting me On the Head "I'm Not a Dog" I Said She Rolll her Erys "Fine Then a Cat!" I Started Blushing "I MEAN Um did I Really Just Called you Pu--"

I Cut her Off "I-I-ITS FINE DON'T WORRY" I Said Blushihg Like Crazy "Okay if You Say So, Anyways I'm Sorry for being a Pain really-" I Cut her Off with a Kiss "Again You are not A Pain You are My Girlfriend!" I Said Smiling "And Your My Boyfriend"

"I love you Nagisa"
"I Love you to Senpai"

A/n:Sorry it is Short I Just fall asleep for an Hour and Now I Only Have This Much Done, But I'm Rite Now Making a New Story (Yoai) It Will be a Fansty-Fan Fic (Karma X Nagisa) The Story will come Out Soon so Yeah Byeee

I'm Your Idol! (Karma X Famale Nagisa)Where stories live. Discover now