•Chatper 6 Daddy or Mommy?•

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3rd POV
Karma was so Happy That Nagisa Said Yes! "WHAT? YOU ASKED NAGISA AND SHE SAID YES?" Vegetable Said "Yeah so If Nagisa Joined" Karma was Really Happy That Nagisa Joined the Starlights but He Acted Cool about
Karma's POV
"Nagisa is a Good singer-" I cut Meahara off "She only Staying with us for 4 weeks This is One of them" then I See Nagisa Talking to some girls, There from My fan Club

"What?!" Nagisa said "Come tell us-" I Cut Them off By Hugging My sweet Nagisa "Heyyyy Princess" I Said "Hey Cutie" No Way She didnt Blush "AAAAAAAA SO LUCKY" I Closed Nagisa's Erys "Nagi~Chan!"

Nagi~Chan? Wait Thats "Hi Onii~Chan..." Onii? Oh right that mean Borther "Heyy Sissy Heard That Your Dating Karma Akabane!" She Rolled her Erys "Don't kill him I Lov-Like Him..." Awww She was Going to say  Love "Love you to Princess~"I Said "If you Dere Do Anything to Make her Cry I'll Send You To Hell pretty Boy!"

Nagisa Was Heading back to E-3 "Nagisa!" I said "Huh Oh Yeah Karma?" "I Want to Walk You to E-3!" Shes so cute "you are Teaching there first soooo Sure!"

But one we Got Have Way There, I Kissed Her On The Lips "K-K-KARMA~SENPAI WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" Karma~Senpai "Just call me Senpai or Daddy" That Right I Just Said Daddy "KARMA NO NOT THAT JUST SENPAI WOULD BE FINE"

She's so Cute I Wish I Can be With Her Forever, "Senpai...Um....Why Do you Love me?" Did she Really Ask me That? She's Rushing Things alittle 

"Well~" Then I Pick her Up "Your Cute,Good at singing,Sweet,Nice,Princess and Your personality" that Made My Princess Blush Like Crazy!

"Hey Princess are You Okay?" Shes So cute Its So cute that it should be illegal and Banded Becuase Its so Cute, Nagisa is My Queen But I'm the Alpha Becuase I'm the Uk- "Senpai can you Put me Down I See Something"

So i Put Her Down and She went Somewhere "Karma!" I Run to Nagisa's Voice "Nagisa what is It-" there was Blue and Red Flowers Together "Wow nagisa one did you do All of this"

She Smiles "Well Keade Helped me with some of them Same with Rio" Kawaii is What I can Say For all the Flower

"How Long did this Take?" I Asked "Maybe....3 Weeks I Think No wait Month" Month? no way she Really Loves me Even Before I Love her She Loved me

"You met them Before you met me or?" She Just Looked at me Like This -.- "KARMA YOU PRAV!"What? WAIT SHE CAN READ MY MIND??

"Well Danm Mommy You know How to read my Mind~"I Just Called Nagisa Mommy "Mommy? Really If Your Trying to Turn me on your Failing Dadd-Senpai"

She was Going To Call me Daddy I know It! "Its Fine its Just me~so Go Ahead Say It Cutie" she slaps me "NEVER BITCH!" That Hurt it really Hurt "Owwwww Mommy"

She's Smiling And Blushing That Seems like a Good Mix...I Guess Its Like a Girl Thats on her- "Karma You there Did You hear what I Said?"

She's Blushing abit "no..." she Hugs me "GOOD AKABANE" She's Hugging me? "Come on Nagisa Just Tell me~ Please" She Blushing even more

(Like Karma's Hair Red~)

"Um...I said I Love You..."Then I Kiss Her "I Love you To Nagisa..." then She Slowly Falls asleep On My shoulders, Then I Hear My phone Ring "Hello?" I Said

"Where are You?"

"With my Princess Why?"


Oh Yeah are Collab...SHIT

"I'll Be There In a few Bye!"

"Princess wakey wakey Get up Cutie" Shes Wakes Up "What Is It Akabane Dummy?" She Just Called me Akabane again!

"Lets Go Asuno Waiting-Nagisa?" Nagisa was Sleeply Well she Has Been asleep for 3 Hours Sooo "Where Do You want me To Take Your Shiota?" She Was Smiling "Hom-Its Fine I'll Just Get There Myself" Shes Sick Again I can Tell "Why do you get so Sick Easily Nagisa?" Then I Pick Her Up (like She was a 6 Year old)

"K-K-Karma I said I Can G-" she Starts Coughing "Its Okay Cutie I'll Just Take You Home Okay.." She Nonded "Why do You Get so Sick Easily Nagisa Why?" Nagisa Just Trys Not to Fall asleep

5 Minutes Later, I was There And Nagisa was at the Orphanage "KARMA THERE YOU ARE!" My manger Said "Sorry..."

A/N Sorry this is So Short but this is Now the 2nd week of Nagisa with The Startlights By The Way I Will Skip A few Days To 3rd Week of Being with them Becuase I Have Good ideas~ hehehehehehehe don't ask why Asuno Is More in here then Bitch Okuda! But anyways Bye!

I'm Your Idol! (Karma X Famale Nagisa)Where stories live. Discover now