Chatper 3:Goodbye/Bluebarry is Sick

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Nagisa's POV
A Girl Wait That's Okuda The Pop Star Princess! She Used To be my idol But She Just to me now a Bitch!

"Karma..." i said "Nagisa..." He said I can Tell he was Crying "Okuda I'm Sorry She Just a Friend She Means Nothing to me! The Teacher Told me to take a Kid from E-3 Here!"

W-W-What? "Yeah The Teacher Said I Had To Come here You Know I'm a E-3 Kid I'm Dumb As Hell You Know!" I said Fake Smiling "Oh Okay Then" then she Walked Inside

"Nagisa You didnt Have t--" i Cut him off With a Slap "FUCK YOU KARMA AKABANE!"
Karma I Regret Meeting You!

I Liked You Senpai... "NAGISA I'M SORRY!" I stoped walking "Karma Its Not like You Can Change can You?" He just Cryed abit then Huged "Can You Least Call me Senpai..."


We were done Were Not Friends Anymore
Karma's POV
My Girlfriend Okuda Had To Come Outside! I Can Tell Nagisa Was About to Hide Behind me But Was Slaped

"Karma..." She Said Crying abit "Nagisa..." I Was Crying abit Too "Okuda I'm Sorry She Just A Friend she Means Nothing to me! The Teacher told me i Had to, The Teacher Told me to Take A Kid From E-3!"

What Am I Saying I Lov-Like this Girl! Then My Nagisa Said something

"Yeah the Teacher Said I Had To come Here, You Know I'm a 3-E Kid I'm Dumb As Hell You Know!"Why The Fuck is She Smiling Why is She okay with This!

"Oh Okay Then!" Then She Walks "You Know you didnt Have T--" I Was Cut Off By My Nagisa saying '"FUCK YOU KARMA AKABANE!"

Nagisa I'm Sorry...

Lets Just skip to day later

Day 3 Of Asking Nagisa O--To Join!

"Meahara Yo!" I said "Sup Anyways Okuda Told me About yesterday! Sorry..." i Sighed "Its Alright..." Then I Hear Nagisa's Voice, No No No Its Not Real Nagisa At End Class!

"Why A-1 I Don't want to be in that Classroom" I Turn Around, No Way Nagisa is Here "Karm--" Kaede Was Cut off By Rio "IS THAT NAGISA!?" Then Nagisa Turn to us "Nagisa Hi.." I Said Looking Down

"Why The Fuck Would You Even Say a Word To Me,Anyways No I'm Not Going!" What is she Talking About "Your Moving To A-1 As soon as You Agree!"

A-1? Thats The Top Classroom "Nagisa!" I said walking to her "Your going!" I said "Shut Up! Just Go Away KA" Ka? "Ka?" I hear her Sigh "Karma akabane Ka!" Maehara comes Up to Pick Nagisa

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME!"She Said 5 minutes later, We all But The teacher Went in to F-1 (Woods)" Maehara Put Nagisa Down "Nagisa!" I pin her to a Tree

Then i hear A Wolf Crying "Na--"she Ran Off 3 Minutes later we found her and The Wolf
The Song that nagisa was Singing to the wolf
So Time For Rest, No Pollow for my Head NowWere To Run From This, No Way to forget, Around The shadow Creep

Like friends They cover me, Just want to Lay me Down and finally trying to get some sleep, We Carry On Through The Storm... Tired soldiers in this war

Remember we were fighting for...
"Shhh its Okay Now..." Then Nagisa Got Out her Gun "Shhhhh Its Ok--" i stoped her "What the hell are you doing?" Then she Droped The Gun "Karma I'm Doing what Anyone Would do besides--Killing them" She Just Sighed "We all Heard You Sing Your Really Good!" Isogai Said With a Smile

I'm Your Idol! (Karma X Famale Nagisa)Where stories live. Discover now