Chapter 12:4/3 More Days

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Nagisa's POV

Kissed me

Karma Is Kissing me Its Feels Nice..."S-S-Sorry Nagisa" He Says "it's Fine You Just Fell on me and-" I See The Door Slowly Open like something From a Horror Movie "Karma can You get off of me Please" I Said Pushing Him Off, He Nods and Hides somewhere  "Nagisa~Huh I Through I Heard Your Boyfriend Here!" I Started Looking at her (STILL ON THE FLOOR)  "Why Are you on the Floor?" She Asked "Um...Well I Fell on my Bed that Why there was a Loud Noise" I Started Looking around For Karma "But Your Bed is Right There" She Points to where my Bed is "Whatever I Guess Oh and Look Around for Lusy's Toy Kay?" I sigh "Again Really?" I Get Up and Sit on my Bed "Yes Nagisa oh and You Have to Go Clean Up Its Almost Your Time Okay?" I Noded and She Left "Nagisa? I'm Sorry..." I Look at Him "What do You Mean?" I Asked then I Get Up And Sit Down On my Bed "I'm Sorry for Making You Sad And Stuff I...Still...Do-"I Cut Him Off with a Smile and Said "Love You Karma You Know We Can't..." His Face Change into a Concern Face To a Sad Face "Nagisa I Really Want to Kiss You Right Now But I Can't Because We're Firends" He's Teasing me a Again "Stop Making the Puppy Face!" I Said "Whyyy Its Always Wins!" He Says Walking to me "Come here..." I Said, He Moves Closer "More..." I Said He Moves More Closer  "Are Faces are To Close Nagisa.."He Said "Dose It Look like a Care" I Said Smiling "Your So Cute You Know..." Karma Then Picks me Up and Lays me Down on My Bed and Starts Kissing me
4 Minutes later
"Sorry it's Just.." I Said He Looks at me "I'll Always Love You Mommy" he said I Smile "Don't Get Turn on if I Say I'll Always Love you....D...D...Daddy" I Said Looking Away "I Feel Sooo Turn on" I Blush "S-S-SHUT UP!" I Said Blushing Even More "Your Still My Pirnces-" He was Cut of by Nothing Really JUST NOTHING AT ALL "Sorry I Almost Called You Princess!"He said Blushing A bit "So Why Ya Come here?"i said "I Look to see Him Crying and Smiling a bit "What's Wrong" I Asked "Nagisa...I'm....S-" I Cut Him Off With a Hug "Ah Of Course you would Say That Hehehe"I said
An hour later
"Okay Kar--" I Open My Door to see No one there "Oh He left..."I Said and Sat On My Bed and Laying Down "I'm Sorry Too.." I Said slowly falling asleep
Day later
By Nagisa Shiota Age:14
Karma and I Are Heading to a Picknet with Everyone even Lizzy But Sadly Not The Kids I Guess it's a 11+ Stuff "Nagisa You Okay?" Karma asked "I'm Fine Karma But Where did you go last Night?"i Asked Walking a A little slower "oh Umm...Okuda Called and Asked for me...Mommy Can You Stay Away From her She's Meanie!" Its so Cute one Karma Acts Like a 4 Year Old sometimes a 8 Year Old It Makes me Smile "Finnnne I'll Stay Away From her Okay But They Might Come to me What Do I Do Then?" I Teased "Daddy will be There~And I'm Not Talking about That Daddy I'm talking about Daddy Karma~" I Push Him Away from me "Prevent..."i said Walking Faster "Nagisa Come Here Right Now Pirncess!" He Started running I Started Running too "my my Look at This" Okuda Said then Drops the Bukcit Of Water On me "Oof!" I Said Then I Feel Karma's Hand On mine "Shhhhh I'm right Here let's Get You Back Home I'll Make sure You'll Have some off Okie?" I Can't See Him Because She Put something Else In The Water I Don't What Tho... "Stay Here Okay?" I Hear Karma Say "Um Okay..." then I Feel something on my Lips "Mhm!" I Said "Your so Yummy!"

Then I Hear my Alarm go off
That...was..all A Dream? Of Course it was Karma Loves Someone...I Think...
(GUESS WHO OUT OF SCHOOL EARLY 12:58 PM I'm Sad...Really Sad) "Nagisa You Okay?" Lizzy Asked, I Noded "Hehehe I'm Okay!" I Said Smiling "Okay So There Kids Are Out with Nana and AJ Okay?"I Noded and She Left I Get Up and Change "Nagisa~" I Hear someone Said I Look Around and See Karma At the window I Realise I Have a Shirt off "GO AWAY PRAVNT!" I Said Closing The window "Finnnne"I'm a Blushing Mess Now..But I'm Smiling and Thinking about the Dream and Change and Open my Door To See The Red-Head Standing There "K-K-KARMA YOU CAN'T JUST B--" I was Cut off By Him Walking into My Room "You Looked so Cute with Your Shirt off You Know" he Said "Shut Up..." I Said Quietly and Blushing Even More "Nagisa Can You Tak--" I stoped Talking "Why are You Crying?" He Said I'm...Crying I Look in a Mirror And I See Myself Crying "I Don't know..." I Said Backing Away onto the wall

Karma Traps Me with his Arms on the Other Side of my head "one someone Crys it's Always about Something" Then He's Kisses Me "Your so Cute You Know" Then I Kiss Him "Mommy Stoped Crying That's Good!" Then he Backs Away "Soooo why Were You Crying?" He Asked I Cwarl To His Arms and he Hugs me "I'm Just Sad That I Have 3 More Days To Stay with You" I Said Smiling "No...Forever You'll Always There You Wanna Know Where?" I Noded "Right Here" he Points To My Heart

I sigh "Karma You Know I Love-Errr Nevermind!" I Said Blushing "I Love You Too Princess Nagisa" He Kisses My Check "I Didn't Say That..."i said Looking Away "You were Going Too!"
Karma I Love You more then Anything

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