Chatper 16:Karma Akabane's Birthday~

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Nagisa's POV
Today is December 24th in other words Christmas Eve

My aunt Made some money Lots Of Money

(Because Of the power of me~)

for me to see Karma I Still Have Rio and Keade's Phone Number and asked Then If Karma had someone

They said 'No Karma Still Loves You!" I'm Happy

it's been like 6 months since I've Seen Karma And Everyone I'm sitting on the Plane just Reading a Book that Keade told me About...

"In about 10 minutes We'll be in Japan"

I Smile and Close The Book and Look out at the window

"Wow..." I Said the Person next to me Poked me "Have you been Hare before?"He asked I Look at Him and sigh

"I was Born Hare and met s--"

"Okay I want Everyone to Put in your seatbelt on"

I Put on my seatbelt and waited untill it was Time To Leave I Get Off the Plane and went off to see Rio and Meahara

"NAGISA!" I Turn Around Slowly to make sure that's Rio or some Else but it was Rio I walk behide them and Poked Them...

"Hey?"I asked she Turns Around "NAGISA!" Thanks To Rio I Fell on the ice

"Ow Rio!"I Said Then I Get Up and she Grabs My Arm and Puts me in there Fancy Car

"Oof!" I Said I See Keade and Isagoi "NAGISA!" They Both Said

"Nagisa it's been so long!" Isagoi said I roll my Eyes "it's only been 6 Months Isagoi!"

I blush Alittle bit Beaucse I Think of my Super Star Red-Head Cutie

"Thinking about Karma?" Jenna asked "yeah..." I Said "he's Still Single~"she said

My face turns Red Really Red "K-K-Kay..." I said "So Where's Akabane?"I Asked

"Huh Oh He's At the orphans Place You Know the Place You Went!" Keade Said

The Orphanage? Him why? "Why is he there?"I Asked

"He's Fixing The Place, one you Left Like One You LEFT LEFT he wanted to Do a Flavor For You and the Sweet old Lady and Kids, That Show how Much he loves You"

I blush "That Makes Time I Guess"I said Smiling "For what?" Keade Asked "well You Guess Been in a Band for 2 Years, What Do you Guys Do For
Karma's Brithday?"I asked Looking out the window

Then Keade "Hmmm Well We Do what Karma Wants to do!" Rio said Smiling

"What Dose He Want To do?" I Asked "Well...He...Wants To See you" then we Got to there house "Then Thats what he's Getting for Christmas and His Birthday"

Few Hours Later
I was at a Hotel a Every Nice one "Nagisa?" Meahara Asked "Do you still text Karma and call him?" I Nonded "Mostly Once every hmmm...two Weeks! He Just asked How I am You Know Those 'Mommy Misses There kid Question'!"

"Karma Still Calls You Princess, Mommy and Cutie By The Way!" Isagoi said Then I sit on my Bed and Smile

"Of Course He Would...He still Loves me But What Else Is he Planing?"

"I think he Just Texted me He wanted To go out for Dinner and tell the Others" Isagoi smiled and went to us the bathroom "Oh and No One Is Telling Karma That I'm Hare!"

Then Isagoi comes Out of the Bathroom "Danm it!" He said I Laugh

"Okay so One Of Us Are Staying Hare with Princess Nagisa, who Well It Be~"Rio Said Looking Deep into my soul "anyone Nakamura~" I Said Smiling

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