Special Place

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We got in Graysons car he drove towards the woods "Are you planning on dumping my body over here" I said laughing

"Nope I'm taking you yo my thinking place or what I like to call my  special place" He said smiling

"Okay then I trust you"

We parked on the side of the road and walked into the woods we stopped on a ledge where you could see all of Los Angeles.
"It's beautiful" I said but never took my eyes off the beautiful view.

"I thought you would like it come on" He pulled me away and took me to a small hill.
We climbed it and sat on the top.

"Why did we even come here?" I asked

"I thought we could use a night out of the house" I smiled at me

"Are you sure that's the only reason?" I asked confused

"Well I also wanted to talk to you about our plan for Hollywood "

I really didn't what to talk about it because I knew he was going to say it wasn't going to happen because it's gonna be his and Ethans senior year and after that we were never going to see each other.

"Oh ok" I said

"Ethan and I decided that were gonna wait until you graduate so we could all go together and thought it would be a good idea if we start our channel as soon as possible"

"That's actually a really good idea Gray" I started to shiver a little

"Are you cold?" He asked

"Yeah a little but I'm fine" I said shaking my head

"No you're not here" He took off his hoodie and gave it to me.

I put it on and said "Thanks"

He smiled at me and nodded his head. He started to talk a while longer and some how this came up.

"Do you actually like me?" Grayson asked.

I was in shock and didn't know what to say. "I mean you are very attractive and you are super sweet and an amazing freind"

"So yeah?" He seemed a little excited

"Yeah of course I do but I don't want to ruin a great friend ship"

He smiled "Yeah I agree"

He looked into my eyes and I looked into his and bam he kissed me it didn't last long because we pulled away quickly.

"I-I'm sorry" He said stuttering

"It's fine" I said looking down

"I should probably get you home it's getting late" I nodded my head ok.

The whole ride back was silent and awkward. I said bye to him and went inside.

"Hey mom I'm home" I said giving her a hug and my brother a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey honey. How as it?" She asked

"It was good"
After talking for a while I went up to my room and Grayson's curtains were up I didn't really mind. I did the same and pulled out my phone so I could FaceTime Megan.

"Hey girl what's up" She said after answering

"Damn where do I start. umm... Grayson kissed me" She looked at me in shock

"Oh my gosh Ashlyn Marie Martinez what the fuck"

"It just happened I don't know what to do" I said a little frustrated

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