She's gone?!

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Grayson shook me awake to tell me we were here. I shot up from my seat and smiled really wide because I was  really excited to  be here. Disneyland has always been my favorite place here. I remember the first time I came here with my mom and dad, I was only 6 years old it was fun until they got into a huge fight and our trip had to end early. That's the part I don't get they would always get into arguments  and I would never know why.

"Come on lets go eat some churros" Meg said while she pulled my arm

"Hey mine" Grayson said while pulling me back and he put his arm around my waist

Before anyone said anything else my phone started ringing and I checked to see who it was and it was Jasmine.

"Hello' I said excitingly 

"Hey Ashlyn.."She was silent for a couple seconds 

"I'm sorry  but we just left for Miami. We were suposede to stay another week like how i told you earlier today, but plans changed and we had to get back as soon as we could.." She was silent again

" My parents are thinking about going to LA for a month during winter break. So maybe we could hang out"

"Yeah of course. I'll miss you alot Jasmine promise to never forget me"

"I'll never forget you I promise Ash.. I gotta go my plane is about to take off"

"Ok bye love you Jas"

"Bye I love you too Ash"

I hung up and everyone starred at me but it wasnt an annoyed one or one where they were just being nosy. It was a worried one.

"I'm fine. You heard her she had to go and she's coming during the summer for a month anyways"

Ethan still looked a little worried "Lets go have fun now" He said and we all nodded our heads 

We walked to the entrance and waited to get our tickets. Hunter and Nate already had theirs but instead of going in the other line to get into the park they decided to wait for us. Once we got our tickets and went through security check we finally made it in the park. Meg,  Hunter, Sam and I went to the bathroom to talk.

"So have either of you talked to Gabriella?" Hunter asked Meg and I

" Nope and I'm not planning on it" I said

"Yeah Ashlyns right what Gabriella said was not ok but at the same time she is all of our best friend and things wouldn't be the same without her" Sam added

"I get that but she said all those things about Ashlyn because all she wanted was attention" Meg said

"True but we still have to  go to her quince"

"Shit I forgot" I said

We talked  for a few more minutes and then went to go and meet the guys by the tea cups.

"Hey beautiful" Grayson said as he kissed my cheek


"eww please stop" Ethan said and pretended to be gag 

"Shut up" Grayson said and lightly slapped Ethan's shoulder 

We decided to go ride splash mountain and then ride Tower of Terror. We walked to the line,  it took us 15 minutes to get through the line. Grayson and I sat all the way in the front and Meg behind us. Then Ethan and Sam in the middle, Nate and Hunter last. Grayson and I got soaked and everyone else only got wet a little bit.

We went to Mimi's café to get something to eat. After ordering I went to the bathroom and Meg came with me.

"Hey do you think Dominiques single?" Meg asked

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