The Party

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We got to the party and right away I saw drunk people everywhere and people making out on every chair, couch and corner. Then I saw Gabriella and Jayden and I was relieved.

"Hey their over here" I told the twins

"Hey Gabs" I said to Gabriella while going for a hug

"Hey Ash. Are you planning on drinking?"

"Hell yeah come on" 

"No your not come on" Ethan said as he pulled me away

"Come on Ethan don't be a party pooper"

"I would let you but you know what happened last time"

All the memories started to flood threw my  mind fucking Cameron  that asshole. Cameron is some guy that I hooked up with at the last party I thought we had something because he would constantly flirt with me but he really just  fucked with me to show his friends that he was really a fuck boy and to show how easy it is for him to get at any girl he  wanted. He did that to both me and Megan at the same time. 

"That was 4 months ago let it go already E" I said with anger

"Ok fine but I'm not going to be your babysitter"

"Ok I'm fine with that"

He walked back to Gabriella, Grayson  and Jayden and so did I.

"So are we getting drunk or not?" Gabriella asked and Grayson gave me the 'are you being serious' look and I gave him the 'what' look and he shrugged his shoulders 

"Yeah come on" we walked over to the table where everyone was playing beer pong and  of course Cameron and his friends were  there playing and  it didn't bother me well at least I acted like it didn't.

"Hi Ashlyn" he said  winking at  me

"Hey Cameron, trying to get your ass beat in beer pong?" I smirked

"Oh no its the  other way around babe"

"Don't call  me that and we'll see about that"

I took his friends spot and first throw I made it "You just got lucky" he said before chugging the beer. What he really doesn't know is I grew up playing baseball so I could throw.

By the end of the game he was throwing up everywhere and I only had to chug 3 red solo cups. 

"Damn Ash" Grayson said

"He had it coming" I laughed 

"Does he know you could throw?" he asked

"No and I'm surprised  you remember that" I laughed again

"Of course I listen to everything you tell me" he smiled

After the party the twins took me home I was a little drunk but not to drunk. I didn't really get that drunk and when I did I just said  stupid things and I never threw up or woke up with a hang over. Some people say its a blessing  and others just think its weird but to me its normal. I remember before I moved here I got cross faded so I was basically drunk and high at the same time and well things didn't end well but you'll know more later on.

We got to my house and  I hugged both of the twins goodbye before going inside. I went  inside my kitchen and made myself a snack after  I went into my room and started watching YouTube videos. I decided to go to bed but I kept tossing and turning and I couldn't stop thinking not just about one thing but about everything. Then my past started going through my mind and how fucked up I was.

I  grabbed a pair of Adida joggers and a hoodie I threw on a pair of running shoes and I went outside. Running always helped  me forget so that's what  I did I ran. I   didn't realize how far  I've gone I was in front of the park in Gabriella's neighborhood. I was already near by so I went to mine and Grayson's special  spot it was near the train tracks we haven't been here in a while I don't really know why. I sat  on the rusty railing and sat there starring at the water.

"Can I sit here?" someone said from behind me. I didn't realize it but I was crying I never cried so that's probably why I didn't realize it.

"Oh Grayson yeah sure" I moved over for him

"Are you ok?" he  asked

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be? "

"because your here and you don't ever come here unless something is wrong or you need to think"

"I just came here to think that's all " I sighed

"Wanna talk about it?" he asked looking down at the water

"I don't know you know I'm not good at talking about my feelings and stuff like that" 

"I know but we could always change that" he said smiling a little

"Yeah I guess so. Have I ever told you the real reason why I moved here?"

"No you never did actually" he said looking at me weird

"I came here to start fresh. Things back home  weren't great my mom was with this really abusive guy and he's one of the main reasons why we moved here and the other was I wasn't doing so great myself I started hanging out with the wrong people. I would drink constantly and I would smoke weed. I did all that because I was getting bullied and I was threatened by people and they would tell me that they could end me or expose me when there wasn't anything to expose one of my ex boyfriends started this rumor that I sent him nudes when I really had nothing to send I still don't but everyone believed him and then he started this other rumor that I had been talking shit about his best friend and it wasn't true at all he was just jealous because we liked each other. Depression started to get to me and I  couldn't control not only that but my anxiety I had anxiety because I was forced to go to school every day. So not being able to control either of those caused to me have major mental break downs and I haven't had one in a while which is  good."

" Ash why didn't you tell any of us?" he looked concerned 

"why would anyone want to be friends with the girl with a million problems" 

"Oh come on Ash you don't have a million problems. I would've been friends with you either way" 

"I feel like its coming back" I admitted

"We're all going to support you ok"

I nodded my head "But I'm afraid to tell everyone else"

"If you want I could just tell E and it'll be our little secret until your ready to tell everyone else"

"Ok can we go back I'm tired" he nodded his head yes

30 minutes later we got back and I really didn't feel like being alone  so I had asked Grayson to stay with  me and he agreed so I brought him in and he laid on  one side and I laid on the other we didn't touch or anything we just went to sleep that's all I needed to  just feel  someone next to me so I didn't feel alone.

~ Chapter 2!!!! I'm honestly so excited about this story no joke. 

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