Chapter One (part 2)--Not sure I want the answer

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HELLOOO, charmer fans, another chapter coming your way. So excited to finally let you know where Kellan has been! Piece by piece his story unfolds. Jaxon fans, there is LOTS more to come, hang on, you'll hear lots of him yet.

This one goes out to all the Kellan fans out there!

Because of me and my headstrong plan to free my mother from the Fire Circle dungeon, Kellan wore the same scars as me

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Because of me and my headstrong plan to free my mother from the Fire Circle dungeon, Kellan wore the same scars as me. The searing pain of Otis branding my cheek had cut beyond me into his skin. My chest tightened, and I scrunched the scarf in my hands.

"Kellan..." my voice cracked. "I'm so sorry, I..."

"Had no idea?" He stared toward the other side of the pool. "As usual, you just plow forward believing you have all the answers and leave a wake of people trailing behind you."

My mouth hung open in silence. Waves of guilt clung to me in wet sheets—he was right, I had a knack for dragging loved ones into disastrous situations. Jaxon opposing his father was one of them. Even though he claimed everything was fine, Otis had to be planning his retaliation to make examples of us both. My mother wasted away for three years in a cell, all because I decided to ignore the rules like they didn't apply to me. Oh God, Nebula, she paid the ultimate sacrifice for helping me rescue my mom.

Nebula... I couldn't shake the thought of her body draped in Rygar's arms. I had to be the worst human being on this planet, half-human, weaver girl. Talk about identity crisis, I don't even know what to call myself. My feet shuffled forward, and I collapsed on the bank next to Kellan, staring at my hands. No one would have told him about Nebula. How do you tell someone that kind of horrible news?

"I never meant to hurt anyone. And now you're injured and..." I attempted to swallow the truck-sized lump parked in my throat. "Nebula's gone," I blurted.

A wave of emotions washed over me, and I let out a soft sob. Over the past three days, I'd tried to hide how much Nebula's passing had affected me, but I couldn't hold it back any longer.

He licked his lips. "Ah Wren," He ran his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry to hear that. I really liked Nebula. I'm going to miss her quirky-strange premonitions."

"Me too," my voice squeaked.

He wrapped an arm around me tugging into a sideways hug, and I crumpled into his shoulder. "Well, that explains why you've been so sad for the past few days."

I sniffled and tipped my head up to look up at him. "How do you know that?"

He lowered his voice, "You really want me to tell you?"

I wiped my eyes and nodded.

Kellan brushed his index finger along a portion of the knotted ring below my collarbone. The icy mark swirled and reformed into a new ice crystal pattern trailing behind his touch.

"The easy answer would be to say it was because of the ring connecting us." He kicked his foot through the water, making it churn around his ankle. "But the night that tiny aqua teardrop appeared here..." He rubbed the spot where the tiny mark used to be. "Something linked us together."

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