Chapter Five (part 3) --"Say Cheese!"

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HELLLO CHARMER Fans! Here's a quick life update for you. The BLOCK PARTY POST, if you didn't read it, you'll want to check out the interview with the boys (and Sage). Here's the link: (I'll post an inline comment with the link too.) 

Other updates...I have three short stories hitting Amazon in the next couple months. So yeah, I've been a tad busy. I have my website now up and going too. So feel free to check out the fun at:

NOW, I'm back to writing this in full force. Expect regular updates on Sunday's again! 

Thanks for reading! HUGS all, Amber

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I wrapped my arms around my knees and stared off into the campfire. "You're right, he did..." I squeezed my eyes shut and let out a long breath. "Knowing doesn't make you feel any better, does it?"

He made a fist, then extended his fingers stretching them out.

"I can't help that you both pop into my head whenever the hell you please."

He thumped his fist against his knee, and his lips drew into a thin line. "Actually, you can. But closing that door costs dearly."

The watery ring rolled against my skin reminding me of Kellan and what I'd put him through.

"Yeah..." I laid my chin on top of my knees, remembering the agony of every moment I'd shut him out. "It does."

"Just because I'm off to help you save the one guy I hate, doesn't mean I'm happy about it. Jaxon waved his hand, and the flames rose higher, warming my toes. "I know you'd call the whole thing off if you could." He glanced down at his fingers. "I'm not that naive—I know you're in love with him."

My mouth went dry, and my heart ached for him. I wanted to scoop him up in my arms and tell him everything would be okay. "I don't know what you want me to say."

"That I'm wrong, and you're in love with me, or that I'm a jealous idiot. I don't know—take your pick." He threaded his hand through his hair. "I want you to kiss me like you kissed him when I lost you at your Grandmother's place." His voice cracked, and his eyes glowed a bright green. "Watching you kiss him practically ripped my heart out."

The firewood crackled, and a few sparks ignited, drifting on the breeze.


He faced me and put a finger to my lips. "You don't understand. I want to be with you so badly it hurts. Every cell in my body screams you're my match and all you do is hold me at arm's length."

"No—I don't."

"Then tell me you're not disappointed that Amaress has taken over our tent." His golden eyes burned bright, demanding the truth.

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