Chapter Fifteen--Making the Leap

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Whew! ♥ This chapter is hot, hot, hot! ♥ Looking forward to writing the next part of this and getting it up ASAP. Stay tuned, because I'll post it as soon as my pen drops from the page. Hope you like this instalment. :)

The world around us washed from view, and the birds' chirping faded into the wind rushing through tall stalks of golden grain growing under a hot sun

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The world around us washed from view, and the birds' chirping faded into the wind rushing through tall stalks of golden grain growing under a hot sun. This was the same place where our journey began in Acklemar together.

Kellan crushed his lips to mine, again and again. He drove his tongue into my mouth with a raw hunger, that ignited my core. His tongue lapped the inside of my mouth, my tongue, searching the depths of me, making my knees weak and my lungs beg for air.

He was my forbidden fruit, and I wasn't going to stop kissing him for anything—not even air.

Kellan dragged his hand up my back, drizzling cool water over my hot sun-drenched skin.

I tilted my head back and gasped, breaking our kiss. All the stones on my necklace flashed at the same time and the parched wheat field melted into the roar of the ocean.

He glanced around at our new surrounding and chuckled, then laced his fingers in my hair, pulling me closer. With his hot breath caressing my skin, my toes curled in anticipation of his lips on my skin. As if answering my inner pleas, his tongue lapped the edge of my ear, making my entire body tingle.

I rested my cheek in his palm and tilted my head to the side, giving him access to my neck.

Without hesitation, he brushed my hair to the side and continued lapping my skin, leaving a wet trail in his wake. He paused for a moment with his lips hovering only a breath above my collarbone—letting the anticipation of his kiss build inside of me like a tsunami.

I whimpered in complaint and cradled his head, encouraging him to continue. "Don't stop."

Gently kissing up my neck, he paused and blew out a misty breath, sending shivers through every nerve ending in my body. When he reached my ear, he nibbled my lobe, panting heavily.

"I love you." He lifted his head, and his eyes glowed brightly against an overcast sky, laced with the mist of the ocean.

With my shoes stuck deep in the sand, I wiped the salty spray from his face and kissed his lips.

"I could kiss you all day." He held out a hand with two gemstones flashing on his bracelet and flayed his fingers. A nearby wave crashed into the rocks sending a stream of water high above us.

"You're stopping?" I looked up at him under my lashes and bit my lip.

"Never." He brushed my hair aside and kissed my lips. Now, shh.

Kellan shimmied his fingers under my shirt again, placing his hand over the ring. He pulled back just enough that I could see his lips turn up into a grin, then a surge of energy flowed through me, demanding his ring's waters come to him.

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