Chapter Four (part 2) --Hellos and Goodbyes

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Wooo! A DOUBLE update in one day? That's never happened before. Hope you enjoy the two chapters this week because I'm taking this week off to write a story for a publication deadline. (Now to just figure out what I'm going to write about.) LOL. Thanks for reading!

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After walking in silence for what seemed like forever, I slowed to a halt.

Jaxon stopped a few paces ahead of me. "What's up?"

I stared at the guild gates, then glanced over at him. "I've been the biggest pain in the ass for you. Haven't I?"

"What? You?" He chuckled and walked back to where I stood, zipping his leather coat.

"Stop it." I gave him a shove. "I'm serious."

"Is this one of those trick questions, that if I agree with you, I'm seen as uncaring, or if I disagree with you I'm seen as unsupportive? And worse, if I say nothing I'm the unresponsive arse that's both uncaring and unsupportive?" He shoved his hands in his pockets and rolled back on his heels. "Given that I've probably going to get skewered no matter what my answer, would you mind telling me why you ask?"

That had to be the most politically thought out answer I'd ever heard. But he had a point. "I just wanted to say thank-you, you know for everything."

"You do?" he said sounding surprised. "People don't usually thank me for stuff. I don't know. Maybe it's because they just expect me to take care of things. But when you disappeared, I wasn't sure I'd ever get the chance to take care of you. Now that you're here..." His voice trailed off as he searched for something in his pocket. He pulled out the diamond ring he'd given me just over a week ago. "I found it on your nightstand when you were still in recovery."

He lifted my hand in his and placed the ring in my palm. "I know the custom of a girl wearing your ring doesn't mean anything here on Acklemar." He let out a long breath and ran his fingers through his trimmed hair. "But for some reason, it does to me."

I pinched the ring between my index finger and thumb, watching it sparkle in the fading afternoon sun.

His shoulders slumped, and he kicked at an imaginary rock on the ground, that seemed to have some magnetic pull over his attention.

The truth was Jax had been there whenever I needed him. He even decided to stand with me, and not his father, to get my mom out of that hell hole of a cell. I wouldn't have made it past that rigged door set to blow our heads off, without Jax's help. And here he was still holding out hope—for me.

He kicked the ground another time, then headed toward the gate without me.

I was the worst person ever for putting him through everything I had. We were about to be partnered in three days, and Kellan still consumed my every thought.

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