Untitled Part 15

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Emma's POV:

Just as the dagger was going to stab Annabeth, I fired my bow with my fast reflexes. I always kept a bow with me for backup.

Phoebe a hunter had gotten a backpack that turns into a bow and arrows. I was planning on joining the hunters before I went on my quest. She told me that if I survived I could join and if not this would be a present from her. I had saved her once so she tries to pay me back.

When Percy saw that I shot the monster his face was full of relief. In matter of seconds he killed all of the monsters. His face was full of worry and anger towards the monsters. I had never seen someone kill that many monsters so quickly.

His motivation was probably the sight of seeing Annabeth almost die by the hands of a Laistrygonian. How anyone can't see that he really cares for her is something I can't imagine.

" Are you hurt?" He asked me

" No. At least not out of the ordinary." I replied

He picked up Annabeth and we started to look for a place to camp for the night.

As we were walking I heard a sudden gasp, I turned my head towards the noise and found Percy on the floor with Annabeth's knee on his stomach.

I realized that she must have woken up and judo flipped him because she thought he kidnapped her.

I laughed at the sight in front of me.

" Oh sorry! Its an instinct I have" Annabeth said while blushing

" Say sorry to my back" Percy said while stretching his back.

" What happened? All I can remember is being knocked out and hearing some scream ' No one touches her '. And who kidnapped us?" Annabeth asked

I laughed even more

" That was your knight in shining armor rescuing you form the Laistrygonians." I said. Both Percy and Annabeth blushed hardly. Its ridiculous at how these two are so oblivious towards their feelings for each other.

I explained what happened to them and their mouths were wide open.

" If you weren't claimed, I would have thought that you were a child of Athena, for coming up with a plan in there." Annabeth said

" Seriously! How did you defeat three cyclops, and unlock the locks with a pin" Percy asked

" Percy I have been on the run and fighting since I was 7, like Annabeth. However I have been on many quests before I went on my failed one. After my failed quest and Luke's failed quest they didn't want to loose any more campers so they stopped allowing any quests." I said

" I guess children of Poseidon can be smart after all. Percy probably got his brains from Poseidon and you from Sally, thats why you are smarting than your dim witted brother" Annabeth said. We fist bumped and laughed.

" Hey!" Percy said

"I think we are going to be great friends" I said

" Still Right Here!" Percy exclaimed

We found a cave and went to sleep. Percy was first on watch still Annabeth still had to recover from her scars and I had to recover from my battle.

After some turning and tossing I couldn't fall asleep because of my big scar on my back that was still bleeding.

I realized that my bandage wrapping fell out of my back and I needed it to cover my scar and stop the blood from flowing out.

" Hey Perce, you have any bandage wrapping?" I asked

" Yeah but why do you need it?" He asked

" No reason, just give it to me" I said not wanting to worry him.

" NO, show me"

" Ugh, fine" i pulled up the back of my shirt to reveal my scar. It must have been bad because Percy's face turned white.

" Emma, why didn't you show it to me sooner! That's really bad. It has poison on it" he said.

That must be why it stung so much

" I didn't want to worry you or Annabeth"

" I am going to clean it and bandage it"

" Do you even know how to do that?"

"No, but anyone can learn"

" I am not going to let someone that is inexperienced fix my POISONED scar."

" What is the commotion?" Annabeth asked

" Oh my gods Emma what is that on your back?!" She asked horrified

" Its her little souvenir from her battle with the cyclops. And she wont let me clean it for her" Percy said

" Let my clean that for you right away," Annabeth said

She took the liquid bottle from Percy's hand.

" Its a good thing you didn't let him clean it for you. This liquid is the wrong one. This will make it sting even more and cause it to swell" Annabeth said

I shot a glare at Percy who surrendered.

" Ok, you were right" Percy said

  After Annabeth cleaned it for me I went to sleep. I could hear Percy and Annabeth talk, while they thought I had fallen asleep. I smiled at their conversation.

Percabeth meet EmmaWhere stories live. Discover now