The 3 friends

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Annabeth's POV:

" There is an old Greek myth that I read in one of the books that I found last week under my mattress. In the myth, there was a lost land that isn't located anywhere. Only one person knew how to find it. The lost land is called Lemuria.But there is a special journey just to find the lost island" I said remembering the myth that I read

" Ok so do you know how to find this person?" Percy asked

" No I don't" I replied

" Try asking Aeleous master and god of the winds. He should know what is happening since the winds carry messages for him." Chiron said

" Ok, so we will go to Aeleuos's palace and ask him where to find this person" Emma said

The dinner bell rang and everyone went to dinner

I still cant believe that they chose me to go with them, I mean we are friends, but i am glad that they all chose me without a hesitation. During dinner I saw Percy taking a few glances at me from time to time. I would just look away or smile. This time I rose my eyebrow at him just t tease him and I could almost swear that he was blushing. Why would he be blushing? Oh well he is Percy and no one knows why he does the things he does.

After dinner, I found Emma in the training area training shooting arrows with their bow from far away. She would make a great Huntress of Artemis, but I didn't want her to leave me. Thalia and Luke already left me and Percy would be a little shy towards me and he is not the person I would ask for help on things. Emma is a great friend. She reminds me of Percy which is great but she isn't dumb or oblivious like he is. She is bold like Thalia and she is smart. That is why I like her and I think that after this quest we will be best friends.

" Hey annabeth" she said, pulling me away from my thoughts.

" So are you nervous for tomorrow?"

" Honestly, I am very nervous and I felt like I was going to melt down in the meeting. Don't get me wrong, I love it that you guys are coming with me but I am afraid that I will do something wrong. I don't want this quest to end up like my last one." Emma had a sad and worried expression on her face.

" Emma, I still remember when Percy first came to camp, he was 12. He had just defeated the Minotaur but lost his mother. I remember when I had to nurse him back to health and he would blurt things out in his sleep and he would drool so much. I was told that when the new camper came into camp, he would be the one that would help me and we would go on a quest. But then, while I was nursing him back to health I would think, how in the world is this guy the one that is going to help me? But them after the quest I saw that he was actually a good fighter and that he was brave and loyal to his friends. You also have those traits Emma, I believe that you can do it" I encouraged her to not feel worried.

" When Percy was younger was around 2 so he wouldn't remember me but he would drool so much in his sleep that my mom would stick a towel over his pj's so that they wouldn't get ruined from the drool. I left for camp half blood when he was 2 and a half so he didn't remember me. Emma said, while laughing

"Heyyy" percy said in an annoyed voice

" Why are you guys laughing at me, you know that that isn't nice!" He uses his puppy dog eyes and I just cant resist them but Emma says " Nice try bro, but ever since you were 1 year old, you would use those eyes on mom and I so we know how to resist them."

" well darn you then", " oh well, Annabeth still cant resist me" he said while smirking

" Ughh, you are so annoying" i put my hands down helplessly knowing that he has won.

" You have to teach me how you do that Emma" I told her

" Ok I will"

" so are you guys ready for tomorrow?" Percy asked

" we are as ready as we will ever be" Emma said

" You know, I am excited to go on a quest with both of my best friends. I have a feeling that we will make a great team because you two fight similarity and you are both great." I said

" Lets go and rocks this quest" percy said

" But you two do know that Aeleous is known to hate demigods and we still don't know if he is going to help us" Emma said

" Annabeth and I have a way of going with the flow. Whenever we make a plan it breaks an so we jus go with the flow. Like with the missing lightning bolt and in the Labyrinth." percy said

" don't worry Emma, I am sure that you will do fine" I told her, but then i realized that she still had her gloves on from last week.


" Why do you always wear your gloves Emma" I asked

" Umm-uh-because....I have a big cut on my hands with poison in it and it doesn't heal so I need to keep my gloves on so that the poison doesn't spread" She said nervously

" Oh ok!" i said

" Thanks guys, we better go to bed, its getting late and we don't want the harpies to come and rip us to shreds." Emma said " You guys go on I'll follow you in a bit. She added

" Ok, come on Wise Girl, lets leave my sis to think for a while." Percy said and we walked away.

" That is a difference that you two have. Emma thinks while you don't" I said while laughing

" You know you are so unfair"

" I try"

" I am a little worried for her, I think she is afraid to try to lead a quest after what happened to her last time."

" Percy, she is a strong fighter, she will live and i believe that she is a born leader"

" I know but her first quest after 4 years, don't you think she wont make it"

" Percy, at least on her first quest she is a good fighter and she is brave. On your first quest I had a million doubts that you would make it. to me and to everyone, you were the drooling camper who was almost killed by the children of ares in capture the flag."

" I guess you're right"

" I always am"

" Hey that's not nice"

" you know, sometimes you act like a child"

" But i am a cute child aren't i" he says while smirking

Percy is cute and brave but I wasn't going to admit it to him yet. I roll my eyes. Two can play that game

" Sure you are Percy, that is why you are drooling over me now" I say while smiling

" what do you mean, i am not drooling over you, I am you are bea-"

Was he going to call me beautiful?!

" what were you saying Percy?" I said while laughing at him

" Um-you know-...nothing. Look at the time, i gotta go! he starts to walk away.

I start laughing at how cute he was when he was stammering. He looks back and sees me laughing at him, then he blushes.

" you got something on your cheeks Seaweed brain!"

That makes him blush even more while he was looking at me.

" Sometimes I don't even know why I am friends with you, you always make fun of me" he said while whining like a child

" oh grow up Seaweed Brain! you look cute when you blush" i say, while teasing him

" I do?" He said with a happy look on his face

" Maybe, who knows?" I said walking away with a triumphed look on my face. I could feel his eyes staring at me. Then I looked the way that we came and saw Emma staring at me and Percy with a smirk on her face and she had a twinkle in her eyes like she knew what was happening. I walked to my cabin and fell asleep.

Percabeth meet EmmaWhere stories live. Discover now