The Surprise Quest

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Percy's POV:

   1 week later:

During this week, Annabeth and Emma have been spending  a lot of time together, while I spent time with Emma in our cabin and during lunch and lessons. Since Emma already came to camp, she pretty much knew everything there, however she was behind on some new sword techniques. So Annabeth and I were teaching her how to fight with a sword better.

      I woke up in the morning to the sound o Emma banging a stick onto the table to wake me up. 

" Come on percy, wake up! It's time to go to breakfast and you promised to teach me that really hard swordmove afterwards." She said

" Ok fine, I am up" I replied 

After breakfast, Annabeth, and I went to each Emma a new sword more. This one was difficult and it took me some time to master it.

   Annabeth and I demonstrated it to Emma. " Now, don't be upset or mad at yourself if you can't do it by today, because it took me around 10 times and I'm am good at swordsplay" I tell Emma.

  Emma puts a hand in her and pulls something out of her hair and I laugh at her. " I hate to break it to you sis, but now is not the right time to style your hair" 

  Emma opens her hand to reveal a comb that was embedded in green and blue stones, stones that looked just like th ones you would put for the daughter of Poseidon.

    " Father gave it to me the first time I met him. At the time, I didn't know that I was the daughter of Poseidon, I just knew that I was a demigod. He told me that it would protect me in times of harm. At first I didn't understand what he meant but once I accidentally found out, the mist did a great job into hiding my sword into a ruler." She laughs, then pushes the large blue jewel in her comb.   " I guess every child of the Big 3 must get a weapon that is disguised as a mortal item. Since we would be in danger the most and it would look weird if we had large rulers strapped to our pants. I laugh and think, that is true. I have riptide, Thalia has her bracelet/shield and Emma has her comb/ sword

   I look at it and think, wow that is gorgeous, and the jewels give off powerful energy, like the ones of a god

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   I look at it and think, wow that is gorgeous, and the jewels give off powerful energy, like the ones of a god. 

     " These jewels probably came from Posedions castle, because they give off a god-like energy." Annabeth said, which is similar to what I was thinking. Then, I tried to grab it from Emma's hand to look at the jewels, Emma yelled" No, don't" but it was too late. I fell like a force field hit me and I got shot backwards into the trees.

       Annabeth comes up to me and asks " are you all right percy?"

       " Yeah, I'm fine, but what happened?" I look at Emma

      " When I first got it Poseidon told me that the jewels would protect the comb from anyone touching or using it. The only person that can use it is the chosen one. So, he told me to try holding it because he thought that I was the chosen one, and it worked. So only I can touch this comb and the only time that it will allow anyone to touch it is if I am in danger. " Emma explains 

    Annabeth takes out her dagger and starts to fight Emma, while Emma tries the new technique that we taught her. Annabeth beats Emma the first few times, but on her fourth try, Emma gets the technique right, and has her sword at Annabeth's chin. Annabeth looks surprised as if she didn't see that coming, well neither did I.

  I go up to Emma and ask her " How in the world do you get that right on only your fourth try? " I ask

      " Honestly, I don't know, I am usually better at archery than at swordsplay but I guess that after watching you and Annabeth fight, and you guys training me, I got better at sword fighting."

     " Wow, that was amazing" Annabeth says

    I roll my eyes at Annabeth, then she says, " a little jealous are we, Seaweed Brain?" She smiles, " don't be upset if you don't get it today, I got it right on my tenth try and i am good at sworfighting," Annabeth mimics me.

       " Oh stop being so annoying Wise Girl" I say

        "Seaweed Brain"

       " Owl Head

       " kelp face"

       " ms know-it-all"

      " Mr. annoying pants"

    I didn't  realize how close Annabeth and I have gotten, our noses were a centimeter apart from touching. Annabeth must have realized this because we both started to blush.

    " Look at the shy tomatoe couple" Emma says while smirking at us

     that makes us blush even harder. i dint even know that that was possible.

  " Ok well, looks like these 2 have something to talk about so I will just be on my way."

   As she was walking away, she freezes and then looks towards the Big House.

  " what's wrong?" I ask her

 Then i see what was happening. A very familiar figure was walking out of the Big House, and everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at it.

           I am very sorry but I might not be able to update anything tomorrow or Saturday. I will try as hard as I can to update on Saturday but i will be in the mountains with no internet. I might have a chance on Saturday i will see. I will continue updating on Sunday. please please please comment on my work. I want to know your opinions Thank you a lot!

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