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Percy's POV:

 " Are you feeling better?" I asked her

" Huh, oh yeah I am." She said

" Did you get hurt badly?"

" Just a bang on the head and a few scars. But it isn't as bad as the time we held up the sky"

" oh yeah, that was bad"

"I never did get to thank you"

" For what?"

" For saving me from the Laistrygonians. I never knew you had it in you Seaweed Brain."

" I am capable of doing things "

" Why did you scream at them when they tried to touch me?"

" I couldn't watch them kill my best friend. And because.... I care for you"

" Really? In what terms?"

" Huh?"

" Oh never mind. Percy can I ask you something? But you have to swear on the over Styx that the answer is the truth."

" Ok. I swear on the river Styx that my answer will be the truth."

" Do you like me?"

" Um, what do you mean?"

" I heard some people say that you liked me, but I wanted to hear it from you.

" Umm, I- I think i do like you" I said, feeling embarrassed and red.

" Really? Are you sure you like me?"

" Yes, but do you?"

" I guess I have learned to find your annoyingness cute and likable"

" So, thats a yes" I asked not believing what I heard

She laughed her beautiful laugh, " Yes Seaweed Brain"

But then her face turned cold and a little anger and sadness showed.

" I don't believe you "

" What? I just told you that I like you."

" Since when?"

" I realized I liked you when we were looking for the Golden Fleece."


" No! Why would you think that?"

She started to tear up, and she spoke in a whisper,

" I h-heard about your kiss with Rachel. Don't think you can hide things from me forever." ( In this book, Percy still went to Rachel in the summer and kissed like they did in the Last Olympian, but he didn't go onto the monster boat with Beckendorf.)

" Oh that"

" Yeah that. Are you going to take back what you said and go running to your girlfriend?"

" No, I didn't kiss her. She kissed me and it was only for a second."

" You didn't stop her. You enjoyed it."

" No hats not true. It was a small peck so I didn't have time to react. Listen Annabeth, you are the only one I like"

" I find that hard to believe. I don't want my heart to get broken a second time?"

" A second ime? Oh..... Luke"

I hugged Annabeth, " I promise I wont break your heart."

" I want to believe you Seaweed Brain, but my brain tells me not to trust you without proof."

I leaned in and kissed her She kissed back and it wasn't a small one like the one in the Labyrinth

" Is that enough proof?"

She nodded, then she put her head on my lap, and she fell asleep. I played with the curls on her hair.

I looked at where Emma was sleeping. She opened her eyes and winked at me. Then she sat up.

" Nice job Percy" she said

" What are you talking about"

She pointed at Annabeth.

I blushed

" Mom is gonna be overjoyed"

" Why?"

" When we were talking she told me that I had to get you guys together"

" But you didn't "

" Actually I did. After I talked to you about Annabeth, I talked to her about you. I told her that she should ask you if you liked her and I told her that you would say yes."

" I never knew that you and mom were making plans already."

" Yeah. How about you sleep with Sleeping Beauty over here"

" Are you sure?"

" yeah I am good"

I layed down. Annabeth kissed my cheek and then she put her head on my chest and i put my arm around her.

    I heard Emma chuckle from behind my but i ignored her. This moment was one that I would treasure. I kissed Annabeth on her head then fell asleep.

Percabeth meet EmmaWhere stories live. Discover now