Idiot Ron

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I dressed with Hermione and went down the spiral staircase into the common room. The moment I appeared, the people who had already finished breakfast broke into applause again. The prospect of going down into the Great Hall and facing the rest of the Gryffindors, all treating me like some sort of hero, was not inviting; it was that, however, or stay here and allow myself to be cornered by the Creevey brothers, who were both beckoning frantically to me to join them. I walked resolutely over to the portrait hole, pushed it open, climbed out of it, and walked down the staircase and into the Great Hall.

I was greeted with a loud appluase and glares from the other houses.

Hermione squeezed my hand in symphany and we both sat down at the table next to Ron.

"Hello," Hermione said, piling her plate.

Ron sneered at me but mumbled a greeting to Hermione.

"Whats your problem?" I snapped, offended that he didn't say hi. I used to loath Ron in my first, second, and third year, but I was finally warming up to him - is he going to change that?

"You," Ron spat with hesitation. "You're my problem."

"Well, I hope you're not looking for an apoligy because you're not getting none," I said, affronted.

"I don't need anything from you, Potter," Ron replied coldly.

"Whats going on?" Hermione said in shock.

"Why did you bring one of the most attention seeking prat I have ever seen to here?" Ron demanded. "I was almost having a good breakfast."

"Well, I have to say that I'm not sorry I ruined it!" I shouted back.

"Ron, what happened?" Hermione said.

"I feel betrayed." Ron said, ignoring my glare. "Two of my friends enter in the tournament and don't even bother to tell me. They just want to outshine me in everything."

"Are you talking about Harry and Nixie?" Hermioen blinked.

"Who else!"

"They didn't enter themselves in the tournament, Ron-"

"Rubbish." Ron said scathingly.

"Ron, you're being ridiculous-"

"Oh, am I?" Ron said, red with anger. "Well go side with those-" he let out a string of insults. I was surprised at how much they had hurt me. "-See if I care."

"Ron," Hermione said, her eyes wide. "You're not serious."

Ron didn't answer, telling us that he was completely serious.

Hermione licked her lips and got up from the table. I followed her lead and watched as she grabbed a stack of toast. We left the hall together.

We were silent as we climbed the staircase and stopped in front of the fat lady, only to have the portrait swing open. We found ourselves face-to-face with Harry.

"Hello," Hermione said, holding up the stack of toast, which she was carrying in the napkin. "I brought you this… Want to go for a walk?"

"Good idea," said Harry gratefully.

We went downstairs (again, I might add), crossed the entrance hall quickly without looking in at the Great Hall, and were soon striding across the lawn toward the lake, where the Durmstrang ship was moored, reflected blackly in the water. It was a chilly morning, and we kept moving, munching our toast, as Harry told Hermione and I exactly what had happened after we had left the Gryffindor table the night before.

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