Day 3

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Darktooth stalked through the undergrowth, keeping to the shadows. He had lost Whisperbreeze yesterday when they were chased by a fox, but no cannon fired so for now he knew she was alive. He was now heading towards the meadow. Im sure that WindClan tom will be there, it's as close to the moor as there is. Heatherstep is dead, so I'll kill him quickly. Then, I'll head towards the lake and see if I can take on a RiverClan cat. I'll check the rivers first, they could be there as well. He picked up the scent of cat, and dived into the undergrowth. Whisperbreeze! He leaped from the undergrowth. "There you are-" he scrambled backwards. Not Whisperbreeze. What looked like Whisperbreeze warped into a badger. It swiped a paw at him. He ducked, then ran for his life.


Jock limped through the undergrowth, growling to himself. I was right to leave Lily. She would have been useless. He pictured Lily's pleading face, as she begged to let him come with her. Jock shook it off with a snarl. He had been stalking a mouse, but it bit him! It had razor-sharp teeth. It was one of the mutts. "Stupid mutts," he growled. That could have been a nice meal.

"What was that?" A heavy weight landed on Jock and he struggled, but a second cat pinned him. He went limp. A big tabby she-cat was sneering down at him.

"Nice catch, Kyra," smirked a big orange tom. BloodClan! They were wearing teeth-studded collars. Jock squirmed frantically.

"Thanks, Tyger," she replied. She bent down to bite his neck. Jock yowled, then everything went black.


Trixie was still huddled in her tree when Marshmallow rushed by. She had only left the tree once to get water and make dirt. "Marshmallow!" She yowled happily, and leaped out of her tree. He almost leaped out of his fur, then realized it was her.

"Your alive!" He practically squeaked.

"Who's there?" Marshmallow and Trixie froze.

"I'll go check it out," came another unfamiliar voice. A ginger tom slipped from the undergrowth and halted. Trixie could not remember his name, but he looked young. Cats could be raffled into the Hunger Games from eight to thirty-five moons.

"Now would be a good time for those battle moves," Trixie hissed to Marshmallow.

"I forget them," he whimpered, pressing himself against the ground. The tom just stared at them, and Trixie thought she saw pity in his eyes.

"Anything, Sandpaw?"

"Nope," the ginger tom replied, backing away. "Probably just a mutt." Sandpaw bounded away.


Darktooth ran hard. He could feel the stinking breath of the badger on his heels. I never thought badgers were this fast! Another thought occurred to him. It was probably modified to be fast. He saw a stream up ahead. Yes! I'll swim away from it. He leaped into the river, legs kicking and paws thrashing. He reached the other side, gasping. He flopped onto his side. Leave swimming for RiverClan! He thought crossly. His jaw dropped as the badger grew webbed paws, and leaped into the water. Darktooth growled and got to his paws. I'm not going down without a fight! When the badger reached the other side of the stream, a silvery gray-blue shape shot out of the bushes. It was Shimmerheart of RiverClan! She slashed at the badger's nose. It bellowed. Three more shapes shot out, and by the scent of it, the two tribe cats and the remaining ancient. They attacked the Badgers from all sides. Finally, it gave up. Darktooth got to his paws. Shimmerheart dipped her head. "Your welcome, for saving you."

"Thanks," he grunted.

"Now, I want to know if you want to join an alliance. I am RiverClan, and ThunderClan has made an alliance with us. We're searching for SkyClan now," she turned to the three others. "How about you guys?" The three nodded. Darktooth shook a few droplets of water from his paws.

"I appreciate you saving me, but no." Shimmerheart's eyes hardened, but Darktooth saw regret.

"Then I can't let you live." She leaped onto him, and he threw her back with a yowl. He felt teeth in his side. Stone Whisper, the Ancient cat had her teeth latched into his side. He felt claws score down his other side, and saw one of the Tribe cats. Shimmerheart leaped at him again, and everything went black. 

I promise more death soon! 


Coralline (Horseplace)

Dusty (Horseplace) 

Heatherstep (WindClan)

Lily (Loner) 

Jay Song (Ancient)

Jock (Loner)

Darktooth (ShadowClan)


All of RiverClan, ThunderClan, SkyClan, BloodClan, The Kin, Kittypets, and Tribe cats 



Stone Whisper 

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