「 red 」

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TAKADA KENTA sat across from Longguo at the café they work at - JBJ Café - after closing time. All the other workers already left, leaving the two boys to close up the place after they finished their jobs of cleaning the café. 
"I still can't get it through my head— how did that Haeun girl save the boy? In this book people's deaths are a fixed point in time but now they can change? When was that a thing?", Longguo asked breathlessly, completely confused and bewildered. 
"I have no idea, Longguo. I don't know how that's possible", Kenta responded, running a hand through his already tousled hair.

"How do you know her?"
"She's the girl that works at the flower shop", Kenta said, looking out the window to see the street lights lighting up the dark streets. "We've been dwelling on Haeun for the past week about saving Yoosung. Let's just write it off as a coincidence and let it be", he nodded, standing up and began to clean the tables. "Come on, we have to close up for the guys."

"Sorry, but I have a schedule to run tonight. Before you get mad at me, I'll buy us food. See you at home!", Longguo waved, picking up his jacket and walked out the door before Kenta had the chance to speak up. The older sighed in annoyance, shaking his head as he began to clean off the store. After cleaning the tables, locking the money made today in the safe and mopping the floors, Kenta was finally able to leave the store. He shoving his hands in his pockets and walked to the nearest bus stop, fiddling with his phone as he sat on the bus stop's bench. After he finished scrolling through his social media sights, he put his phone back in his jacket's pocket and watched people walk across the streets.

But as he observes silently, something catches his eyes.

A car that was well over the speed limit was rushing down the street, red and blue lights flashing behind it as sirens wailed in the distance. He then notices two other cars not paying attention, one about to turn at one cross section while one waiting for the light to turn green at another section. And at the center of it all, a couple was crossing the street, holding each other's hands as they smiled at each other. The car that was speeding was coming closer at incredible speeds,  but even though the scene was all too familiar it wasn't his dream.

It was with Haeun, not with a couple.

"Weird", he whispered under his breath, standing up to get a good view at this strange sight. He silently watched the scene unfold, turning his head to see a girl walking to the bus stop where he was, music playing in her ears. She turned her head to the right, her eyes growing wide as she shoved her phone in her pocket, ripping out her earbuds and sprinted towards the couple.

"Haeun! Don't!", Kenta screamed loudly, hoping that she heard him, but she didn't.

"Hey! You two - watch out!", Haeun yelled, sprinting towards them quickly. The couple stopped abruptly and turned around to face her, but in a matter of seconds Haeun pushed them out of the way. She panted heavily as she rested her hands on her knees, looking up to see all four cars surging her way.

"Seol Haeun!"

It all happened too quickly - too quickly for both Haeun and Kenta to comprehend. In one mere moment, everything changed.

In just one second, Haeun's and Kenta's fates switched.

➴ ➴ ➴

"Kenta!!", SEOL HAEUN cried, practically on top of the unconscious boy as she tried to stop the bleeding. Tears streamed down her face now puffy and red face, her hands shakily pumping his chest in hopes of saving the bloodied and lifeless boy. After a few minutes - which felt like an eternity for her - the ambulance arrived, ushering the body into the veichle and drove off with her to the nearest hospital. The girl was is still on top of him and continued to do CPR, sobbing as she stared at his completely limp body along with his closed eyes. 

"Come on! Wake up!", she bellowed, pumping his heart harder. The nurses tried to pry her off of him, but she didn't budge. "Come on, Kenta! Please!", she begged, tears steaming down her flushed cheek as she pressed her lips against his, trying to get oxygen running through his system. Tears dripped down from her chin onto his face that was covered with blood, bruises, scratches and more, continuing to do CPR in hopes of saving the boy. "Please...", she sobbed, leaning her forehead against Kenta's shoulder, her whole body shaking as her screams and sobs echoed throughout the vehicle.

Haeun pressed her lips softly against his, pumping his chest and pulls back, losing air herself from how much oxygen she's trying to get back into his system.

God if you're listening...please let him live.

"Ha...eun", Kenta mumbled weakly, his voice almost inaudible as his chest heaved up and down. Haeun cupped his face with her red stained hands, crying as the ambulance stopped suddenly, pulling the stretcher out and wheeled it quickly into the building.

"You're safe", he croaked out, touching her wrist weakly, his touch cold and frail. She nodded weakly, lowering her head and sobs, air escaping her lips as she began to hiccup.

"We need to get him into surgery stat", one of the doctors ordered, running as fast as the four doctor could and busted through each set of doors. Gasps were audibly heard as they went through each hall. Once they made it to the ER doors, the nurses were able to pry Haeun off of the boy and wheel Kenta into the room quickly. 

"Kenta!!", Haeun screamed, trying to run after him. Her brain was working, nothing was working for her. Her legs felt like jelly, her body was shaking and her hands along with her legs were covered in blood - yet the only thing she could think of was Kenta's state.

"Miss, you can't go into the surgery room. Staff only", the nurse told her, holding her by the shoulders securely.
"Let me go! Let me see him", she wailed, holding onto the collar of his uniform. She knew she wasn't allowed but nothing in her brain was able to grasp the situation.
"I can't, please calm down. Have a seat", the nurse asked calmly, sitting her down on the sofa. "Would you like something to drink?"

Haeun shook her head, lowering her head and sobbed into her hands - practically screaming in them. She wailed in pain, hitting her chest and fell onto the floor. Her head started to spin as she cried, feeling herself become nauseous as the nurse's muted yells rang in her ears. Everything seemed like a blur to her - one moment she's on the floor, then she's being dragged somewhere she doesn't know. Haeun opened her puffy eyes that were red with tears, seeing a man in all black with a tomb in hand locking eyes with her. It was the same man she saw at the restaurant when someone had a heart attack and died ; the same man she saw when she was preforming CPR on the little boy ; the same man who she saw not too long ago roaming around the cars, looking at all of the bodies.

Death, she realized, fear and dread coursing through her weak body. This causes her to sob louder, lowering her head as she coughed violently. She knew that this was all her fault, everything was her fault. 

She knew that she was the reason why Kenta is dying.

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