「 rose 」

433 44 22

After the encounter at the hospital, TAKADA KENTA had been stopping by the flower shop every day to cook Haeun meals - setting them in front of her bedroom door and knocking on it before leaving the house, knowing how afraid she'd still be. He'd walk around the campus, seeing how frail and thin Haeun had gotten as she talked to Daniel, bags under her eyes with her skin pasty white. Her appearance gave Kenta all the more reason to cook for her - so that she doesn't get sick.

He's worried for her, he really is.
Even if she might hate him, he could never stop loving her.

He's afraid that she is thinking of him differently after finding out that he was dead. Who wouldn't be? But how did she find out?
At least she didn't find out about the other half of that secret.

Sighing, Kenta opens up his umbrella and tugged on his backpack straps, walking in the rain and over to the bus stop.

"Kenta", he hears a girl's voice say behind him. His heart jumped a little, turning around in anticipation in hopes that it is Haeun.

"Oh, hey Chaeyeon", he greeted her kindly, but was clearly disappointed that it wasn't her.

"I saw that you saved Haeun again", she declared as they watch the rain fall in front of them. Kenta nodded silently, feeling the cold air brush his skin as he ran a tongue against his lower lip.

I hope Haeun's okay.

"She wants to bring you back to life. Longguo told me that he saw that she was suppose to die but you saved her again", Chaeyeon glanced at the boy, tilting her head. "Why did you save her when she wants to help you?"

"And why are you back on earth and not in heaven, Chaeyeon?", he turned to look at the girl. "Besides, you are an angel, angels are suppose to save people from dying"

"And you are a reaper, you are suppose to witness deaths, not save people from death", she retorts, raising her voice. Kenta remained silent after her remark, huffing as he looked for his bus. "...I'm sorry that I brought it up, but it's the truth", Chaeyeon finally apologized.

Kenta muttered an, "it's fine" as soon as his bus arrived, stepping onto its platform. As the bus went its way, Kenta rested his head against the window as the rain tapped against it, creating soft rhythms that echoed in his ears.

Arriving at his stop, the boy got off and reopened his umbrella, walking over to the flower shop to make Haeun's dinner. His eyes landed on a familiar figure carrying bags of groceries with her hood on, walking sluggishly in front of him. He quickens his pace, noticing a car about to make a sharp turn, a puddle at the side of the road.

Kenta gently tugs her arm and hides her under his jacket, turning his back and puts his umbrella over the two of them, shielding them from the splash. He feels drips of water hit his back and hair, both from the rain and puddle.

"K-Kenta", Haeun stutters, breaking the hug and looks down, biting her lower lip. He shakes his head, putting the umbrella over both of their heads, smiling softly.
"I'll walk you to the store", he insists.

"Don't...I mean, no thank you", she says quietly, stepping out of the umbrella and walks away from him quickly, not sparing him a second glance. Kenta feels his heart break a little, sighing as he follows her, a few steps behind her so that she doesn't sense him.

He walks into the store after she goes up to the loft, waiting for her to go inside her bedroom before taking out the materials, beginning to cook her rice and kimchi jjigae. He looks back at the recipe book, reading the directions carefully as he puts in the correct measurements, deciding to make her boiled egg in the process.

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