Chapter 4: A duel that Ignites the Bluish flames of Desire

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The time went by to the day after the story that Leone said, they were in the Arena with thr same of audeinces on there first duel.

"I will be restoring my honor with this victory" Fiora said, "and you will die with your head held high"

Leone breathed deeply, and focused his eyes on Fiora, but his eyes did not looked blue ij color, no no no, he has crimson red eyes that bore fear unto hear system

"Sorry Milady but...." he said with a malicious grin, "losing is not in my vocabulary, and to be frank, I never lost a fight, not even once"

Fiora snapped out of it, took her blade out ans swinged it twice initiating the start of a duel

"Then you will lose now" Fiora said hiding her fear

'Why now!!' She thought, 'why am I afraid to duel this deciever!?'

'I should not go to hard on her' Leone thought, 'I dont want her hurt or anything'

Leone unsheathed his blunt blade, and then swung it like Fiora did

Fiora then lunged towards her opponent but was easily dodged by Leone, and to make her more angry he dodged her with his eyes closed. She then lunged again, but was parried by the hilt of Leone's blade

"Kanseki guardo" said Leone but still closing on of his eyes (translation: Irregular guarding)

Fiora stepped away from Leone as she regestered that her opponent has a particular way of giarding attacks, so she decided to move to a close combat fight

Leone guarded every single attack of Fiora that to the extent of tiring her out

"F-fight me!!" She basically yelled, "you coward!!"

"Sorry milady but I cant harm that beautiful face of yours" Leone said as he parried the thrust of Fiora, which made her stagger a bit

"So are you like those people too!!" She said furiously, "wanting me as a trapped bird inside a cage, and only to free me for there amusment!!"

"Hell no!!" Leone retorted as everyone turned silent, "for my entire life I never met a person as beautiful, skilled, and is as kind as you are Milady"

Fiora blushed and so did Leone, but Leone face palmed himself and cursed under his breath, then Fiora snapped out of her thoughts and straighten her posture.

"Im not believing on your lies!" She said scowling, "you ignorant deceiver!"

Fiora lunged towards Leone, on his atempts to block her sword, it cuts his hand ripping off a part of his glove

Leone grined like a villan, and he took of his glove to reveal a scarred hand and that same hand is dripping in blood

"I dont wanna do this Milady but you left me no choice, UNSHACKLED BLADE" he said as he grazed his blade with the bloodied hand, then the blood outlined the engraivings of the blade which glowed vermilion, and two metal hinges popped from the blade as it revealed two sharp edges, "Vortex Desire head thy oath made by this humble swordsman, unleash thy blue flames of purgatory!!"

His blade was now covered in bluish flames that is as cold as true ice and as hot as an inferno of flames

"Please, dont let me use this on you lady Fiora" Leone pleaded or more likely he begged Fiora to stop, "I dont wanna hurt you!"

Fiora readied her stance as she lunged, but Leone placed his blade on his side as he was preparing for the quick draw, when Fiora was close enough, Leone slashed Fiora in her mid section, resulting on her colapsing to the ground with a huge thud

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