Chapter 7: The duel with the hand of Noxus

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Fiora is now signing paperwork, while as always, Leone is helping her to sort the papers. Then the bell rang signaling everyone for lunch

"Its that time already" asked Fiora, "I guess I have to be there, but I will finish my paperwork first"

"Then I will excuse myself, Milady" Marcus said, "I have to help for the preparations"

As Leone was about to get out, Ammdar, Estevan and Alfonse barged in with a worried look along with her sisters; Antoinette and Elize

"What is the meaning of this? Ammdar?! Estevan?! Alfonse?!" She asked furiously

"Noxus demanded a duel between the best battlers of Demacia and Noxus" Ammdar explained, "there is an arbiter that was sent here specifically to speak to you"

Both Fiora and Leone is surprised by the fact that Noxus is going with this piecefully

"What in the world are they up to?" Leone asked bewildered by the news

"Indeed" Fiora agreed but failed to noticed that her siblings are looking at the teo of them, "send in the arbiter"


After a few seconds of waiting, a cheery looking bleach blonde girl with silver armor with grey accents, and cerulian blue insides, she is also carrying a staffe that glows at both ends

"Lux Crownguard?!" Whispered Leone, suprising enough that no one heard him

"State your buisness" Asked Fiora

"My name is Lux Crownguard and Im here in request of the king" she said as she gave a letter with the insignia of the king of Demacia, "that the Grand duelist and the last Dragon Knight of the guild of Rvenant to duel on of two champions of Noxus; Daruis the hand of Noxus, and Draven the executioner in a duel, if both of you win, you will be rewarded handsomely"

She then looked at Leone with a wink, somehow saying 'do this for your lady' , then looked back at Fiora

"Absolute not" Said Ammdar, "we cant let our little sister die in vain and sorrow!"

"Ammdar is right" Said Antoinette, "cant we just send Leone instead?"

Fiora slammed the desk with her fists, and to everyone's surprise except for Leone that they didn't saw that comming

"I wont send my best butler out into battle with the threat of impending doom!" She then rubbed her temple, "I just cant...."

Leone puts a hand on her shoulder and he gave her a reassuring nod

"I'll be fine Milady" Leone said with a confident look on his eyes, then he bumbed both his fists as he was getting pumped, "and besides I am itching a fight with both of those nuckleheads"

Ammdar, Estevan, Alfonse, Elize and Antoinette was wide eyed, while Lux just giggled and looked at him with admiration

"Are you sure?!" She asked a bit furious, "they are the strongest, if not the most strongest of all Noxus combined"

"I have defeated both the grandmaster and the grand duelist" he said with a cocky grin, "I'm sure I can beat those idiots in a duel"

Fiora sighed in defeat, and gave him a worried look

"I...... Trust you Leone" Fiora said, "but promise mo to not get killed!!"

"You have my word" he said with a small bow, "Milady"


When both Leone and Lux entered the castle, they instantly walked in the throne room

The new Duelist of Valor ( Fiora x Oc) [League of Legends fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now