chapter 16: The duel before the confession

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Marcus and Fiora was outside the citadels of Freljord since Leone was the strategist in there united Faction, so the couple decided to spar for a while. Sparks fly from both of there swords comming into contact with each other, Marcus, the black haired knight, was havng fun in there duel, grinning eith every slash, parry and lunge he makes on Fiora, but Fiora is getting Irked by Marcus' attitud in this duel

"Get serious!" Barked Fiora as she thrusted her sword but was parried by the blunt blade of Marcus

"I am serious!" He then parried Fiora's incming strike, "I learned from Leone that whe need to enjoy ourselves in a duel"

"That is so naïve!!" Said Fiora as they locked blades with her opponent, "how can you enjoy a duel when you have risk to focus on"

Then something unexpected happened, Fiora tripped by a crack in the ice backwards, but she was caught by Marcus

"Woah careful" Marcus then straighten the female duelist, "you okay?"

"I'm fine!" Said Fiora with a hint of pink in her cheeks, "I'm going back inside to warm up"

Fiora went inside leaving Marcus looking at the said female with a frown

"Feeling frostbitten?" Asked Leone who appeared out of no where

Marcus yelped and flailled in shock and fear

"Don't sneak up on me like that!!" Marcus barked in fright

Leone just smiled widely and shown a peice sign towards Marcus

"Have you confessed yet?" Asked the silver haired Knight

"No not yet" replied the black haired Knight, "not yet at least"

"Well you better hurry up and fast" Leone thn pointed to his seal, "both our dragons feed on our emotions and love is the most powerful emotion in th book, so we both must love someone by three days"

"Three days?" Asked Marcus, "thats to short of a time frame for me to work with"

"Well thas not actually my call" Leone raised both his hand in a surrndering manner, "in battle Sejuani is calling the stops and since she is the leader of a barbarian tribe"

"She has the tendency to be impatient"

"Prescisely" then Leone gestured them to walk inside, "and plus I am still considered to be a strategist for the faction's full scale assualt on frost guard"

"I just wish she has a bit of emotions for me to see her true self" replied Marcus

"You will get your wish" Leone then patted his shoulder, "but as of now, I will focus on letting you be the star of the.... LOOK OUT!!"

Leone pushed Marcus and quickly drawn his sword to block an incoming attack from a club owned by a huge and ugly troll

"I'm not ugly but your about to be!!" Said the troll as it parries the blade and tried to smash on Leone

(Easter egg time, League of Legend players might actually know this troll but he will be introduced soon enough)

"What the hell?!" Exclaimed Marcus and he unsheathed his sword to help

"No I'll stall for time" said Leone, "you protect our friends and..."

"Hell no!!" Yelled Marcus as he attempt to cut the troll in half but the said troll jumped back, "and let you have the glory? No way!"

Marcus let out a wide grinn to signal his silver haired counterpart that he will make it happen. Then the troll bashed his club at Marcus but it was easily dodged by the said male

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