Chapter 15: Uniting Freljord with the help of a Dragonic Roar

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It was a cold day in Freljord, and in one of the halls inside its Icy like chambers were three groups. One is known Winter's claw, across from it was the Avarossans, and in the middle of it all is the Demcain and Noxian Allaince.

The tension was thick in the air between the two Factions of Freljord, there Leaders Sejuani; the Winter's wrath of , and Ashe; the frost Archer of the Avarossans. Both factions sends sparks all over the room, but if someone looks closely someone stalks the ceiling of the chamber is named: Katarina or you can call her by her assassin name: Sinister Blade

Outside the door Luxanna Crownguard is peeking inside the room ready to interupt it with magic when trouble presents itself, while on the Allaince's side were the dragon knights and the lady of House Laurant

"Lets get this over shall we?!" Asked a muscular woman with a Viking like helmet but one horn was broken off and beside her is a large winter boar named: Bristle, and his owner is named: Sejuani; the winter's Wrath

"Of course" said Ashe carefully not to offend the leader of Winter's claw, "will you please, knights of Revenant?"

Leone nodded, he stood up amd walked towards the center of the room, while he has the same clothing and hair as Marcus but inverse in colour, and on his hip is a normal double edged sword with the mark of Avarosa on It's hilt

"Good morning everyone..."

"Cut to the chase knight of Revenant" Sejuani interupted

"Right" Leone said as a sweat drop trickled from his face, "the Damacian and Noxian Alliance wants the two factions of Freljord to combine strength due to the growing strength of its third Faction"

"A third Faction!!" Said one of the memeber of Winter's Wrath

"What do you mean knight of Revenant?" Asked Sejuani

"I would also like to ask of you the samething" Ashe said in a confused tone

"Have you noticed that Freljord has gotten a bit colder these last few days?" Leone asked, "Even when I was in Demacia, I noticed that It was getting colder each night plus when dawn came once exhaling out, your breath can be seen"

"Your point?" Asked Sejuani

"Did you not consider that maybe the Ice witch has been revived by Forst guard" Leone explained

This made everyone in the room talked in comotion, Ashe thought long and hard, but Sejuani looked pretty much unconvinced

"Do you have any proof of this si cold revival?" Asked Ashe

"Yes" said Leone, "there was a huge snow storm a few days ago, and it was as strong as a catigory five hurricane"

"To put it simply" Marcus said now standing and walks towards the silver haired male, "a blizzard that hit this part of the Freljord and almost covered the Avarosan settlements"

"Who might you be?" Askes Sejuani

"I am one of the knights of Revenant" Marcus replied

"Impossible!!" Said Sejuani in utter disbelief, "there is only one Dragon knight remaining, I bear witness to it all, and I saw your temple, down at the south, destroyed by Ghouls, and no one living can be seen except a boy who has a scar on his left eye"

"Then let me introduce myself to you" Said the black haired knight, "Marcus Revenant; the knight of the Red eyes black Elder dragon"

He showed the back of his right hand and a red seal was seen, both factions were shocked except there leaders

"We mean you no harm Lady Sejuani" said Leone, "we want it to end this petty Civil war peacefully and no blood shall be spilt if I have something to say about it"

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